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Tiddly Winks

So how is everyone anyway???

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It's been relatively quiet around here this evening (afternoon whatever). So, how are all of you lovely folks doing today? Did you do anything exciting today that you want to share?

I went to the grocery store with my husband and we bought some tortilla chips. Laughing Yum!!!

Then we watched Loony Tunes cartoons and then we watched Scooby Doo cartoons, and the rest is a blur. Laughing

I know exciting, right?

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Well let me see...I did housework, refereed my kids arguments, went to the shops, and cleaned the outside of my house...yep so much excitement Laughing

At least the sun was shining lol

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Not here, it looked like pea soup outside. Gray cloudy and cold. I thought spring was supposed to be here...but it's really cold outside.

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It wasnt over warm today, but I think the sun shining makes up for that...

I love the sunshine...it just seems to give me more energy and more get up and go!

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Lucky you. My get up and go, got up and went. Where? I have no idea, but if you find it, do send it home. Laughing

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I had an interview today lol I was so afraid that I might say something wrong but my girlfriend was there with me (she also plays violin very good) and I was feeling filled with confidence and excitement!

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Tiddly Winks wrote:
Lucky you. My get up and go, got up and went. Where? I have no idea, but if you find it, do send it home. Laughing

maybe it got up and went here..and thats why I had extra today?? Laughing

Dont worry though...its deffinately got up and gone again now, so maybe its on its way back to you

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I've had a rubbish day. But just watched New Moon to cheer myself up Laughing

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I'm not really having the best day, it's kind of going by in a bit of a blur... at least all the good news here really works wonders for making me smile! I just can't wait to go crawl into bed!

Lisa, your day seems similar to mine. I have house work to do... and I've refereed a lot of the kiddos arguments today they seem to be going at it like cats and dogs Or Yvette maybe I should say like Elmer Fud and bugs bunny always casing each other around!

Lazar, that is wonderful that your girlfriend could be there to support you! You seem to be having such a day of excitement!! I'm so happy for you!

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Ames wrote:
I've had a rubbish day. But just watched New Moon to cheer myself up Laughing

I'm just about to go to bed with Edward...or at least the book Laughing Hope I can manage to put it down before 2am tonight though Ashamed Not good when my daughter gets me up at 6am lol

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I'm going to crash with a (Wilder) Wonka fiction and do some editing before I go to bed. I think I'm just too old for the whole Twilight thing. Sorry folks. congratulations

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I bussed all the way to downtown to the mall to go shopping to look for a dress for my sister's prom..didn't find anything..went back home with a weird man on the bus who kept swearing cause the bus wasn't here yet. Weird guy.

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Today, i went to sewing class and my coat is almost finished. I sewed in the lining. It is going to be so awesome when I get it done. I can hardly wait. of course, I won't get to wear it until autumn, but wow, it is looking beautiful. Hard to believe I made it.

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