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Did you know that you can now put fish in the magic sea mirror and it acts like a small aquarium?


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yes valentine fishes are perfect for this aquarium

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Agree with orik! congratulations

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I've only got a few fish from when the fishing was first bought in...I have not done any fishing since then Ashamed

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me too.. I don't like fishing..

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lea75 wrote:
I've only got a few fish from when the fishing was first bought in...I have not done any fishing since then Ashamed

so do i! its boring

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I love to fish. Tiddly Winks is like her great grandma (my grandmother), she is the world's most devout fisherpet. She loves to fish, and has two rooms full of fish.

Oh and for the record, every fish in my aquarium was obtained honestly. I spent a fortune on CCs to get them and a lot of my friends, who know I love to fish, gifted me bisquits.

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cc fishes are so pretty but unfortunately so expensive

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yes, i found that coz i tried to put the mirror in my ocean room and some of the fishes got cought inside the mirror

and the cc fishes are every cute, i like fishing alot, but want i dont like is that you get some repeated fishes, i think if your spending real money to buy fish bits atleast it would be nice not get them repeated
i didnt complete any of the festive fishes collections Sad

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But one thing you are not aware is that is not suitable in the aquarium wallpaper. Many fish will be trap inside and end up its look ugly.

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lea75 wrote:
Did you know that you can now put fish in the magic sea mirror and it acts like a small aquarium?


LOL then iam gonna make a fish island in my treasure room!

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i know that they give us the cc's floor and wall but they could have add a room... an aquarium... that way i may be more interested in fishing again... Sad

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