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Give me some opinions!! - competition!!

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Hello everyone,

As most of you might already know that I am having a giveaway thread =) But now, I would love to have some competitions too! To have fun and empty my chest faster! =) Maybe the prizes might not be really good or fun, but I would really love to have some fun in the forum before my studies becomes really busy and stress =)

I have no experience in making any competitions! I would love some opinions on what u guys actually love to play! of cause I prefer games that everyone can get involve ^^ and have fun together =)

What is in my mind now is the posting game, where someone will win something when he/she falls on a certain posts..But does the forum have enough active people to hang around and enjoy together? Just afraid, only one person will be winning all the prizes..haha!

So please let me know , what u all think is good and fun and happy that we all can enjoy together =)


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sweetie, I find one of the best games around here for giving out items is the yes or no game created by Kasi congratulations Where members can post a question about the item and you can only answer in yes or no until someone guesses the item congratulations An active forum is the best time for this one though.

The posting game can run all day long though so you might be able to get more people to enter that way. They seem to be quite varied with the winners congratulations

Hope these suggestions helped!

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random posting comps are always popular

I ran one over the Mega May Madness event and it went to nearly 70 pages, and the pass the parcel thread over the Birthday weekend was one of the most popular comps we have ever run

It seems to me that members like random guessing comps more than actual quizzes, but that is just my opinion Laughing

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i agree with yawo and lea glow!!

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Okies! I will take a look at the competitions u guys had before , and create some hehe!

Thanks for all the opinions =)

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oh yay what a great way to clear out your chest! i can't wait to see what you come up with... and i agree with the girls above, those games are always quite popular!!

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Glow, please do a BANNING GAME! Oh I missed that soo much...

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