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a question to nurses or other moms on here

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As I've posted before, both my kids were really sick with the flu, along with following myself getting sick and this morning it appears my daughter has a bunch of red bumps on the inside of her thighs, her neck, hands, arms, under arms, face (nothing on her back as of yet). I instantly thought chicken pox but she has all her vaccinations up to date along with her measles shot.

I'm not exactly sure what to do, I'm worried that if I bring her into the open clinic (due to the weekend and our family physician is not working) that they will freak out do to the fact that this tends to be very contagious. I tried looking it up online but the pictures seem much more severe than with my daughters case. I've also noticed that I have a few bumps myself on my hand and arm. I guess I'm wondering what the starting stage of chicken pox and measles look like, and what I can do at home (besides oatmeal or baking soda bath) to help her. Also if I should get her examined right away or wait until monday..

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I am not a mom, but all of my prayers go to you. I just wish you and your kids the best Sara, I hope that it's nothing serious ...


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I did a science project on measles last year, so I'll just copy some info besides the history part.

The first symptoms are: a hacking cough, runny nose, high fever and red eyes.
Markers of measles are Koplik’s spots-small red spots with blue symptoms that appear inside the mouth.
The rash has a typically red or reddish brown appearance.
It should first show on the forehead, then move down the body.

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Thank you so much Mango, her flu consisted of nausea, high fever, loss of appetite (still ongoing). But Thankfully no coughing and red eyes. So hopefully that might mean she doesn't have the measles. I wonder if there is anything else that can cause the red spots that she has following the flu.

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Found a wiki answer:

If you have a cold why would you have a reddish rash or red spots on the upper front of your body?

You could be allergic to some of your cold medication you are taking. If you have been using chest rub this could be the cause. Even perspiring in bed from a fever can cause "heat rash." Also get checked out by your doctor and be sure you don't have the start of shingles. Some times people think they have a cold (runny nose and eyes) and since shingles is caused by a virus in the body it can often be over-looked. You probably don't have it, but be sure and get it checked out by your doctor. Shingles usually follows a nerve in the body and can be anywhere. It can come from the side of your stomach up to the middle of your back and it can also spread. Some people only get the rash and not the blisters.

Could it be a heat rash?

I've never had it, since I've always had bad skin with eczema.

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heat rash is very, very small almost pinprick size spots.

The immunisations your children have had (as long as they are the same as the UK) cover measles but not chicken pox.
So it is possible that it is chicken pox.

I'm sure chicken pox start on the back and chest and then spreads everywhere else...I know this is how it appeared with my eldest 2 (Phoebe hasnt had it yet) Jadine had chicken pox the same time as my neighbours daugher...jadine was covered head to toe, yet Bobbie only had a few spots, so I dont think you can go by how many spots they have

Could you phone your Doctors and ask their advice? You have to be careful because if it is chicken pox then you have to stay away from pregnant women as it could be dangerous to them.

To be honest if it is chicken pox then there is nothing the doctor can do for them anyway. Just keep her cool, calomine lotion on the spots to stop them itching, and junior paracetamol if her temp becomes high.

This is just my opinion though hun....maybe you could post a pic of her spots, we do have a few nurses in here who might be able to tell from a pic?

Huge hugs to you xxxxxxxxx

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I really appreciate your help mango! I've had a heat rash before and it doesn't seem to be it. I think that I might just take her into the clinic after lunch when hubby wakes up from his nap. The are raised pumps that are bright red with a whitish area surrounding the red bumps. She hasn't been scratching but says that they are itchy. They look like the start of blisters, but they aren't open.

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Thank you so much Lisa, I think here in Canada the chicken pox vaccination is included. but we were told that if she did ever get it, it would be a less severe case of it. I'll charge my camera batteries right now and take a picture. I never ever thought of that!

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myladyyawo wrote:
I really appreciate your help mango! I've had a heat rash before and it doesn't seem to be it. I think that I might just take her into the clinic after lunch when hubby wakes up from his nap. The are raised pumps that are bright red with a whitish area surrounding the red bumps. She hasn't been scratching but says that they are itchy. They look like the start of blisters, but they aren't open.

That does sound like chicken pox!
To help relive the itch; take a bath in tepid (not hot) water and sprinkle baking soda in it. Also, to relive the itch between the legs, sprinkle skin with corn starch not baby powder. Baby powder has talc which can be an irritant.

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I also think is chicken pox, my niece had the vaccination and she got sick, too but it was like "light chicken pox"

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Hi Sara, I'd say it's impossible to tell without seeing the bumps and that it's important not to get your mind set on anything incase you overlook something else.

At first I thought it sounded like a simple heat rash or insect bites, or allergy.
Usually I'd have thought measles or chickenpox would be on her back or stomach early.

All you can do is follow the advice to keep her cool and comfortable, bathe the spots with the baking powder solution or alternative (or dab with calamine lotion) and make sure to keep her extra hydrated.

Best of luck and get well soon all of you

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Thank you all for your help! Yesterday we all ended up taking a Saturday nap and by the time that I woke up the clinic was closed but they didn't really seem to bother her. This morning the spots seem to be disappearing and are now just light red spots where they were yesterday. So I'm not sure if it was chicken pox as I don't think even with a previous vaccination that they would disappear that quickly. I know that they usually take time to dry, crust over and then go away. I'm almost inclined to believe maybe it was an allergic reaction but they didn't look like hives or a heat rash.

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