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Drop in and say HI Thread

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Dropping by to say hello - yet again not staying (sorry)

We're having the loveliest weather these days, really, but it's been a bit too hot for me, it's having a bit of an effect. Also went to town with BF yesterday afternoon, we walked around there for a couple of hours and was really beat afterwards - hoping it's just now and it'll pass, am a bit worried for the trip to be honest.

Okay, as I said, not staying, BF's still here for 2 days, so am spending my time with him off course :-)

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I've been having the half-screen problem in PS in Chrome, but it works fine in Explorer.

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Hello Everyone
Just dropping bye to say hi, had a loveky weekend until the fotball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you are all well, hope to see you all soon

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Sorry wasn't around earlier, rotten headache and sore eyes, this dry weather and hay fever from the pollen. Am now hoping the tablets last.

Well, what a shocking performance from England in the world cup, how to bring the country's mood down - it was diabolical

Am watching Holland play Slovakia right now (supporting Holland as we have a close Dutch friend) and I'm also cheering Ghana on (as the last African side still in the tournament)

PS is giving untold problems, I've had the left side thing in FF, now I can't get it to load AT ALL. Grrrr.

Got a Playfish message on my FB page, saying they thank people for letting them know, they're 'working on it'

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I am doing visits... drop me a line either there or on FB message and I'll run over and chat a bit

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and here I am... have you recovered from your Sunday's match yet

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You're joking Frannie, we wont recover from that for oooh rest of my lifetime

I just can't get in to PS at all Sad

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the only way I can get in and get a full screen is to use the links on the left of FB... certainly not through any requests

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It happened again last night, Argentina's first (I think) goal was clearly offside, the Mexican players absolutely surrounded the Ref and, against all FIFA instructions, there was a replay on the big screens at the ground - it showed it to the whole crowd.

There's uproar!
FIFa are so corrupt.

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Have tried getting in through all the FB options, and also through Playfish's own website - no joy still Frannie.

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what's the reward for being corrupt? I s there a large betting pool? Or just country loyalty?

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Oh and about the football, I'm hedging my bets now, supporting Holland and Spain (because players from my club (Liverpool) feature in their sides, and also Ghana, because they look like they're having such a great time at the tournament

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yes Ghana looked like they had fun against the US.. I love the trading of jerseys... nice gesture amongst the players

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Yeah, that's traditional - as are the different styles of goal celebrations, some of which are very creative congratulations

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so other than football... how's life Gill? Been so long since we had a sitdown

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I was just bobbing back and forwards to the stove Frannie, making chilli con carne, and I'm also shelling some peas congratulations

I'll type my news/updates and you type yours ... race ya! >>>

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Well, bits of news

It's extremely hot here all of a sudden, and the pollen count's high (hence the appearance of hay fever for me this year)

ED has been very busy at work, the sale is on and she's rushed off her feet, so I hadn't spoken to her for a week until today.
She did however, meet up with her sister on Saturday, they shopped for a picnic at the market and then took it to Regents Park to eat and they had a lovely time.

After that they went to ED's b/f's salon and he cut YD's hair for her, and did her a blow dry with curls.
She then went on a night out with her gang of friends in London.

YD called me today, thrilled with her hair, and says work's going well, but also busy as they've gone live with the new systems (her boss is still away)
I'm going in to town on Wednesday and meeting her for coffee.

IMOM is ok although he nearly burst a blood vessel shouting at the TV yesterday lol.

House is finished apart from some outside decorating and this missing piece for a radiator.
I still have a couple of rooms of the dregs of the junk - must make an effort to do about an hour a day sorting.

Oh and I have three baskets of ironing waiting, but it's far too hot!

was it worth it? not exactly exciting is it? congratulations

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my life has not been nearly as full... let's see.. I still need a haircut, still need a color job which I will do myself.

Mark is on vacation this week but we are not going anywhere. We had toyed with the idea of going to Gettysburg, a civil war location. After careful thought though, this is not a good time. This is the anniversary of the big battle and it will be crowded. It's also VERY hot, so we will save it for the fall.

Edie - the big ol hairy dog- is maintaining on her half dose of pain relief/anti inflammatory, though I see her aging by the day. I'm afraid I won't have her much longer

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oh! and I have tons of laundry which I am trying to finish up today so that the rest of the week is free!

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I got some really good shampoo and conditioner, it's for coloured hair, or hair that needs 'rejuvenating' and IT'S AMERICAN!
The brand is called Matrix, do you know it?

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Ah yes.. familiar with all the Matrix Products.. they are sold in salons.. I've used them for years!

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My Salon uses them, and I got a good deal on some from an internet site Smile

Sorry to hear about the doggie problems, it's so sad, even if you understand their ageing and it can't be helped.
I reckon Dennis is over 10 years old, possibly 12. So far, if he's not attacked, he seems in good condition, goodness knows what's going to happen if he becomes ill.

I don't blame you for steering clear of the crowds in the heat - totally agree.

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I'm so wanting to go to Gettysburg, before we move West. It's only a 6 hour ride from here... supposed to be VERY haunted

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Hi everyone, long time no see. congratulations How is everyone? I was pretty busy today. My mom removed all carpets from our house and I've had to help her clean the floors. Then when she saw the freezer opened she almost started to cry. Everything melted, because my dad forgot to close it yesterday night. I've helped her to move the `survived` stuff from the freezer to our 2nd freezer in the garage.
That's pretty much all, it has been a very busy day Sad

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well that sounds horrid.. Mum's been working you hard!

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Hi Lazar, what a to do!
We've done that with the freezer before now, so annoying.

Nice to see you Smile

The only thing I know about Gettysburg Frannie is the Gettysburg Address.

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I've been reading up about Lionel Messi (plays for Barcelona and the Argentian national side) - can't believe he only just turned 23, and, what a nice guy he is. He has his own charitable foundation, all for the benefit of vulnerable children, to help with their health and their education.

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was one of the largest battlefield sites with massive casualties for both sides. I'll spare you all the details of the campaign, as I imagine they can be dry. My brother and I are both huge Civil War Buffs. He actually would enjoy the trip more than Mark, but Mark will go anywhere... as long as I drive LOL

A summary:

July 1 (1863-07-01)–3,
1863 (1863-07-04)
Adams County, Pennsylvania
Union victory[1]

States (Union)
CSA (Confederacy)
George G. MeadeRobert
E. Lee
23,055(3,155 killed
14,531 wounded
5,369 captured/missing)[4]

23,231(4,708 killed
12,693 wounded
5,830 captured/missing)[5]

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as you can see.. the losses were massive to both sides... brother against brother, such a shame

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Zoonie wrote:
I've been reading up about Lionel Messi (plays for Barcelona and the Argentian national side) - can't believe he only just turned 23, and, what a nice guy he is. He has his own charitable foundation, all for the benefit of vulnerable children, to help with their health and their education.

nice... love when they publish the good works...

I have to love you and leave you Gill (to use one of your quotes) laundry needs switching, blah blah blah

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Thanks for the facts, yes - terribly sad. We had Civil War here too - if I'd have been alive, I'd have been a Cavalier, no question!

Oh yes, love you and leave you - lol, a saying from my Grandmother's knee.

See you soon x

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Zoonie wrote:
Hi Lazar, what a to do!
We've done that with the freezer before now, so annoying.

Nice to see you Smile

The only thing I know about Gettysburg Frannie is the Gettysburg Address.

Nice to see you too. I've just completed the parquet vacuuming, it had lots of dust on it. Lots of chores left Laughing

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Oooh dear, too many chores.

Speaking of which, I have to go and finish off our dinner - we can sit and eat it while we watch the Brazil -v-- Chile match.

See you soon, good luck with all that work.

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Oh no...Gill..........................have I missed you ?? (I'm sure I missed Fran)

Hi Lazar - nice to see you again (if you're still here) :-)

Well, just dropped by (finally) to say "HI" and "I'm still alive" - hope everyone is doing ok.

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Wish Fairy wrote:
Oh no...Gill..........................have I missed you ?? (I'm sure I missed Fran)

Hi Lazar - nice to see you again (if you're still here) :-)

Well, just dropped by (finally) to say "HI" and "I'm still alive" - hope everyone is doing ok.

I'm here hehe making a story for the gallery sub-forum. Smile
Nice to see you too Smile

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I like to see you've been Mindy, sorry not able to keep you company (unless I relocate lol)

BTW - lots of people having all kinds of problems with PS, I am trying to respond to requests for materials, but most often it wont let me send.
I'm not doing it myself btw, and I don't seem to ever get the seeds you can post, so please don't trouble to include me.

Much cooler here today, looks like rain - a massive change.

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I forsee this phone call being super long, will look back later on x

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Sorry I missed you Kijo - would you believe it, just got off the phone 5 mins ago - it was a friend, working from home, telling me what a huge workload she has!

I need to update the Gift Registry.

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Its ok Gill hope your weekend was grand!!

but I am off for now, see you later

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aaw I was typing up the gift registry list, we're like ships that pass in the night (almost literally) see you soon Kijo x

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Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. It's a pretty hot but cloudy afternoon here. It's extremely hard to breath outside which means only one thing - rain is coming. I am just about to have lunch.

Hoping that everyone is having a wonderful day today congratulations

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Just stopping by - work is so manic this week (thought I will have an easy one with boss on holiday).

It rained for a bit this morning as I was walking to catch my train and it was nice and refreshing. Back to hot and sticky as it's bit cloudy.

Hope you all had nice weekend

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