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Hi Marie, have been rebooting again - just ordered a new router!
*everyone breathes a sigh of relief

Am off to get ready for a dreaded trip in to town...hope the air con on the train's working!!!

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I was out all of yesterday, had a lovely time (met up with YD and later with IMOM in town)

Good Morning Smile
Lovely sunny day, I can't believe that down on the south coast an outdoor radio charity event is suffering from rain Sad

Am starving, and my bread had been in the fridge, so now I have to wait for it to warm up before I can toast some!

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I'm great, thanks for asking. Hope you're doing well. Sound like you had a good day into town.

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I'm fine thanks, yes, it was a nice day and I did a lot of browsing - nothing for me or for the house, but got IMOM 4 new shirts. YD and I sat out in a courtyard and she got us coffees and biscotti, it was just very relaxing.

Even better, later on, IMOM and I arrived at the train station just with perfect timing for the train home - without researching the timetable...what do they call that? happenstance?

How's Robyn doing by the way?

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Gaah. Just logged on and PS immediately went into Maintenance before I could spin the lottery wheel - I've had no luck with this game for a good couple of weeks now Sad

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Robin is ok, I suppose. Something seems to be bothering her, but she's so tight lipped I'll probably never know what it is. Lots of short one word answers, lots of deep sighs. Sure you know how it goes. Brb big ol hairy dog is waiting at back door. Lately she forgets which door she leaves out of. At least I hope she's at the back door.

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Just going to put the kettle on the stove - I'm like one of Pavlov's dogs, I see you and think 'oooh settle down with a cuppa for a chat!' congratulations

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I'm back and indeed the dog was at the wrong door. As far as the game, seems most have stopped playing, and those that do play, get thawrted at every turn.

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Lol @ the Pavlovian response. I do love my coffee. In fact, it's the only thing that I had to make sure Tanya had, as far as hospitality requirements. Would have stopped for a coffee maker between airport and her place if I had to.

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Frannie wrote:
... most have stopped playing, and those that do play, get thawrted at every turn.

You're right, I'm not sure how much longer I shall carry on, since my enforced use of time elsewhere, I've lost the habit, but in all honesty, after the big hack most of the pleasure had gone from it for me.
I just don't feel in touch with anything any more, flogging a bit of a dead horse to be honest.

On a brighter note, I have my coffee now Smile Cheers.

Am listening to a radio conversation on great sporting commentaries - think it precedes the Wimbledon match later with Murray playing Nadal.

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Going to move inside and boot up computer. Love the ability of using my phone to chat here, but the keys ate so tiny. 2 minutes

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OK, so what's the meeting news then? I didn't hear anything Sad

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hmm meeting news.. I arrive noon Saturday. Sophie etal arrive lat afternoon the same day. I believe Kijo will be there before me. Other than that, we are a little loose, depending on weather situations, etc.

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Remind me of the date again? which weekend it is - I haven't adjusted to it being July as yet! Oops that reminds me, need to turn a page on the kitchen calendar (see what I mean???)

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Next Saturday, the tenth is the date! My hair's been cut, need to color, probably today

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Well, that's going to be a big event I can say!
Not sure what we'll be doing that weekend, we're having a few quiet weeks I think after all the frantic activity here.

Bet you can't guess my latest escapade?

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Because I'm spending so much less time on line, my imagination has been wandering about - especially when I couldn't sleep, so I'm working out a list of characters for a novel, set in a fictional village.

Not that it's ever likely to develop beyond that really - might have deleted it by next week

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oooooo this sounds like it could be something that could fill the hours. Even if you get nowhere with it, it's something to do.

Mark's been on vacation all week, but we've just done little things, besides playing nursemaid to a recovering cat on Wednesday. I think we're going out to a Mexican Restaurant for lunch today. Not my favorite cuisine, but he loves it!

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I love Mexican, we had a chilli this week, it was quite spicy (British understatement there lol)
Nice to be able to take your time over things, even if nursemaiding is involved - how's the cat now?

Dennis seems on fine form, he's 'spoken' to me 3 times today already - mind you each time was to ask for some Tuna (IMOM spoils him terribly)

My village and characters are my parallel universe lol. Like you say, just for fun and a challenge, I doubt I shall pursue it properly at all.
Am just testing my brain on thinking up character names, and, of course, I want a village name too, entirely fictional - need to mull it over.

I do my best thinking when I'm in the shower, but sadly that's not conducive with the lap top, or a pen and paper

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Little Sh*t is doing alright. Has some bruising on the belly incision, but it's a nice closure. They removed a growth from her neck (no biopsy report yet) and that is healing nicely, but makes me hurt when I look at it. It's right where her collar would hit and I'm not sure she'll be able to wear the collar again. They said no jumping or running.. but how does one stop a cat?

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hmm wish that map would enlarge. I placed London in my pohone for weather updates (so that I can think of my UK friends when I check weather. Would rather out an actual city though, where someone lives.

Have you heard from Nicky? (whole different thought but it just popped up)

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How does one stop a cat? what a question!
*looks blank*

You could check out Royal Tunbridge Wells, it's not where I live, but probably the closest town.

I posted a quick note about Nicky yesterday I think, she's back from her holiday, but still really busy, it's the final push of the school year this next 3 weeks, perhaps after that she might be back in circulation a bit more?

K-B is off on holidays to the Camargue (France) - you might know of it, very famous for its horses.

Mel (Foxy) has a job that's keeping her desk bound lately.

Not sure about anyone else.

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I see KB posts all the time, but, of course, I have no idea what the post is saying

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Frannie wrote:
My God! What a beautiful area Gill!

It is, it's absolutely glorious. So rural and pretty, but 15 mins to a market town or nearby village, 15 mins by train or 30 mins to a bigger town (Royal Tunbridge Wells, normally just known as T Wells in this house) and yet only an hour by train from the centre of London.
Three quarter of an hour's drive will take us down to the coast as well Smile

Frannie wrote:
oh.. will your novel be set in modern times?

Yes, write what you know they always say, don't they?
I'm not getting into lots of research and stuff, just letting my imagination flow.
I've got lots of characters so far, some already have names - and the heroine's family includes a rebel daughter

I've drawn up a village map in Paint, showing where everyone's located.

I think I just fancied a play around!

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Frannie wrote:
I see KB posts all the time, but, of course, I have no idea what the post is saying

LOL nor me!

OK, so now I need a name for my village and - importantly, my nom de plume (this is v exciting, deciding what name my scribblings can rest under) I fancy a surname with the initial no further down the alphabet than H! (no idea why)

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Also looking at research of English place names.
Where I live is named after a Roman settlement, this area was very rich in iron ore, and they had mines around here - also hence why we have a railway seemingly in the middle of nowhere! (obv not from Roman times though!!!)

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I like that you have something to be excited about! I suppose I may start quilting again in earnest, come Fall. There's eno0ugh to keep me from ever being bored in Summer, but if this game is declared dead, then I'll need something to fill the hours. I never quilt much in Summer, though we will have or Retreat coming up in August, which is always a wonderful time!

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No, it doesn't strike me as a summer pursuit really, although I suppose the light's better, and the retreat always sounds pretty idyllic Smile

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Gill.. sorry to say, but I have to leave you. Mark is awake and I hate to ignore him on his vacation

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I'll pop back in once he gets interested in some day time television LOL

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No worries, quite right.

I'll see you some other time, take care, regards to Mark Smile

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Will go and do a few chores - make me feel like I've made an effort congratulations

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Hey guys, just stopping by for a quick hello
Have been very busy the past couple of days and it's not over yet...
I'm even gone for the weekend, as BF is graduating (he's getting his masters degree tomorrow) and now in an hour I'll be leaving for a festival (just one day, out of 4 hehe). After I get back home this weekend, I still have two more days to pack, but I guess the most important things are already settled.

I hope you're all well
(it's very hot here, a bit too hot if you ask me)

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Hello everyone , just checking in to let you all know that i am still around lol
i miss you all ,

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Hi Everyone & Happy 4th July. Will check back later to see if there is anyone about,

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Hey Marie and everyone.
Just popping in to say I won't be around for a little while (surprise, surprise).
Hope everyone's well.
Miss y'all

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Hi Wish, Hope you are well and hope to see you soon, take care, miss you too

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to everyone.
Welcome to a new week, have we got anything exciting happening?

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Good Morning Marie

nothing exciting on cards for me Sad

how about you?

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here after b-fast.

indulging in a bagel and schmear. : D

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Hi Kijo

how's your weekend been?

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