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Well guys I am very sorry :(

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Nearly a week and Facebook still haven't replied about giving my Facebook account back. I have sent a total of 28 emails. You would expect just 1 reply Sad No more Pet Society or any other games I loved. Bye bye all the friends I had on there. Bye bye all the hard work I put into my games. Finally bye bye to all on here Sad Everyone who has known me on here, take care and maybe one day I will get over this and start over Sad I cannot carry on the Twilight Group now. I wish you all happiness and kindness all around. I know I should be removed for not having a Facebook link now. (sorry Mayor).
Gaiamaiden, Lea, Smorkle, Kasijab, and anyone else I have missed (sorry if I did miss alot) take care ladies xx I do have another Facebook account but was strictly for family and friends. But Smorkle does have me on there if you need to just see my beautiful face *snorts and giggles* or you wanna have a chat about your day Smile

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I wish I could say that I cannot believe that Facebook have not even bothered to answer you, but it is just the treatment I would expect from them now Sad

Take care of yourself..and if you ever want to chat or keep in touch...you can always send me another f/r...my link is on here

Hugs to you xxxxxxxxxx

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Same goes for me ...if you do decide to start up again and need friends then you can always find me here

So sorry this has happened to you ...its kinda scary really just how easy it is to loose everything
take care xx

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Im so sorry hun!! Sad Please please keep in touch xx if you get another account please send me a FR xx

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im so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!all my love to u sweet heart and dont worry everything will be allright

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This is really bad
Harmzy I didnt have the time to meet you but if you decide to start all over again you can count with me for giving a hand

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Thankyou all xx I'll be sending a couple f/r's so I can keep in touch xx It is very scary how Facebook can just wipe you like that and not give a reason why. My husband said maybe its time that I slowed down on playing games so much and get back into reality lol. He's right but I know deep down I'll want to play games

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