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Drop In and Say Hi 2

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Welcome everyone to the rolling Hello thread, post your messages and news for everyone to see what's happening.


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am I the first one to post?

Good morning everyone and
to our lovely Zoonie - hope you having fab day hun x

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So how are you today Bee??

I am sitting here quite thrilled its Friday.

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I'm sitting here barely awake. Went out last night after work, got home at 00.15 and then spent an hour trying to fix my laptop. At 5am I gave up trying to sleep and went to search my room for USB stick that had all my elephant photos on it. It's gone Sad

But it's friday and that means 2 days off! YAY!

How are you? Any plans for the weekend?

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have some tentative plans, nothing major or exciting, but have the whole day off and that is more than enough to make me happy.

I take it the laptop has not been fixed yet??
I hope that oyu are able to fix it~~~
Dropped mine yesterday by accident, and it made a funny noise when I opened it.... but seems to be ok... my heart literally stopped.

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I will try to do system re-store and if that doesn't work then I will have to re-format hard drive. It took more than half an hour just to boot up and that's not a good sign.

Yeah I can imagine how you felt - I don't know what I would do if mine would break - I depend on it way too much and don't have the cash to replace it.

I'm planning lazy weekend (I'm also skint so I can't really do much LOL).

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believe me, I am in that same boat, and if any thing were ever to happen to mine, could cost a fortune to fix it cause it is a mac!!!

Think I paid more for this computer than I did for my car..... how sad??

I have 4-5 things sort of planned so a few should at least fall through,..... think I overbooked my weekend though... some people will have to be put on hold.

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you'll see - just play it by the ear

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Thats what i usually do. : D

Have an appointment at an apartment place, hoping that goes well.... other than that, am happy to sit around and rest up all day. : D

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little girl just ran out of the lobby bathroom and goes:
" DADDY, I MADE A PEE PEE!!!!!!!!"

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you don't have boring work then

are you thinking of moving?

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yes, am actually hoping to move pretty soon.... puts a bit of a damper in my plans though because it means I am stuck here for another year......
Was hoping to move away from this place to be honest.

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so you want to move to a different town or just different house?

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right now... a different place.

but had wanted to move to a different town. stuck here for a little longer.

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I hope it all works out well for you

If it was not for the dog I would have moved to a different area of the town but now I'm glad I stayed - things are not so bad with my ex and we get on well plus it's nice area where I live (even though it's pricey).

if you were to move to a different town or state where would you like to live?

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Not really sure to be honest. somewhere bigger...... with better hopes.

same old drag, where I am tired of being tired, and tired of being broke.
would like to have a decent life..... nothing extravagant... just normal.

yes, I know, blah blah blah. hahahaha

well, i hope that you have a great weekend, and good luck with your computer!!!!


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No I know exactly where you coming from - I too wish for same but right now I'm not prepared to do anyting about it for several reasons.

Hope all goes well for you hun.
Have a great weekend


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Ack ... well, I am on AIM if you want to chat .... I'm working on a paper for a while

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Hi... It's really late... I should be getting to bed... But I'm not tired.
What is everyone up to?
I'm trying to finish my sticker collection...
What is your goal?

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Just stopping by to let you guys know I'm back home (in Belgium that is). And I am rather bummed the good times are over already... I miss it there a lot, and the people as well. Had such a great time. Hope to go back...

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Helloooooooooooooooooo .... done with my paper! woohoo!

Have a good rest of the weekend, C&G!

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Hi everyone!
I'm sittin' here at my PC, eating Oreo cookie and drinking milk!

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Hi Nancy.. We haven't met yet. Which part of Canada do you live in?

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Good Morning

A brand new week!

Had a lovely weekend really, nothing exciting, but the weather was ok, the girls were both here on Friday night after we got back from London, Ed stayed and her b/f came Saturday night.
Then yesterday YD came back too and we all had a really good bbq together - for some reason I'm now tired out (age creeping up and lots of fresh air)

Nice to see you guys and read back. Nancy, it's taking me all my time to log on at the moment...my new router seems worse than the old, so it must be the line.

Mindy you must always be working or sleeping when I'm free congratulations

How was the weekend for everyone?

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back from b-fast.

Morning Gill, good to see you had a lovely weekend.

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Hiya - thanks, how was yours Kijo?

I've been messing about with this new router all morning. Just got on PS and have been opening some gifts there, hope people realise and don't think I was just ignoring them!

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Hello Gill and Kijo

my weekend was quiet and uneventfull

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Welcome Back BG!

Hiya Bee - did you recharge your batteries some then?

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Morning Bee, and BG!

My weekends was also uneventful, hoping for good news this week tho.
first from getting in to see a specialist I have been calling for a few weeks now, and secondly to get approved on new apartment.

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Kijo, have you seen a new apartment then? what's it like?
How's work going for you lately?

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Yeah, tired of my current place and the landlord has something against me or something and is making my life miserable..... Im no eve home that much for all that drama!!! : O

The new apartments are pretty similar. (apartments are apartments....)
it is a single level, so 86 the stairs, which is nice for me. The kitchen is bigger,a nd comes witha dishwasher (another plus) and a big pantry.
The rooms look a little smaller, and the set up is a little weird (the washer and dryer room is pretty much in the living room.
But overall its a nicer place, so I am hoping that everything goes good with my application.

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Thanks guys :-)
Takes some time re-adjusting to everything again and the jetlag... it's not easy... Was hard coming back home, I'd rather stayed a bit longer :-) Had that the first time I went over there as well, always hard to go back home.
Anyways, I'm still here until Thursday, then I'm over to BF for the festival - not really in the mood for it, but we'll see how it goes.

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Kijo - will keep my fingers crossed for you then, good luck.

BG - always hard coming home and readjusting, but with jet lag...eeeuuuw, hate that!
Still you had a great time Smile

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Yeah I was hoping the jetlag wasn't going to be this bad, but my entire sleeping pattern is messed up. I am starting to feel a bit better though, the past few days have been pretty rough on me. But today is a completely new day, so I am happy about that! I had the most awesomest time ever, so that didn't make it easier to come back.

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Hello BG

yes Zoonie - I feel bit refreshed after this weekend. Not as tired as I was last week.

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reading back

Kijo - fingers crossed on that apartment.

BG - I've never really been that far away so thank you for letting me know what I should expect but any good time when away from home (no matter how near or far) is always hard to leave as RL is not as exciting.

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Bee, just be aware for the jet lag. When traveling from west to east, it's always harder. I was amazed actually that I didn't get too jet lagged from going from California to Florida, but there's only a 3hrs difference, so that kinda makes sense.

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There's something you can take to beat jetlag, I think you can by it over the counter in America, but not the UK, however, Bee, you could get it for your return journey. I'd have to google as I forget the name offhand.
Sorry BG wont help you much!

I'm lucky, I've only ever suffered it a couple of times, but it was horrible.

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Melatonin, that's it! but it's controversial apparently and you have to start with it a few days before, so perhaps not such a great idea.

There's a whole site called nojetlag.com though and it has some extra ideas!

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Oh Z, we have Melatonin here as well.
I just took something herbal to calm down before heading to bed and that helped me a lot. I also have real meds to fall asleep and such, but I didn't want to use them.

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I guess you have to be careful more than most BG

I need to make a couple of phone calls, have to order oil (again! where on earth does it get to)
and, we had furniture delivered last week, two pieces ordered and paid for last month...only one turned up! I emailed the company about it too, but they haven't even replied, am SO cross.

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