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Lucky Strike

Pirates ahoy?

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i like it quite much but the energy lasts for 5 minutes

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yeah that's the bad thing... but as we level up we have a lot more energy and we can ask up to 2 baskets... BUT!!! Let's say you posts once.. I send o you the basket... Now you can only posts another one. You do that but no one replies so you post again... Now if you're lucky and let's say friend A clicks the first new link and friend B clicks the other you can get both! Total: 3 baskets instead of two!!! and you can do that more than once!!!

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Lucky Strike wrote:
yeah that's the bad thing... but as we level up we have a lot more energy and we can ask up to 2 baskets... BUT!!! Let's say you posts once.. I send o you the basket... Now you can only posts another one. You do that but no one replies so you post again... Now if you're lucky and let's say friend A clicks the first new link and friend B clicks the other you can get both! Total: 3 baskets instead of two!!! and you can do that more than once!!!

so we should have friends to cooperate,,
I'll try it tomorrow
thanks for the info

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okay! and btw I love your wall posts. It's all about game stuff

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I play too!!! What pieces to you need for the statues?

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sweety i don't play it,i don't have time when classes begin, so i only kept ps, plus, i don't like pirates at all, expect johny depp , *shy*
good luck finding friends!

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you can join MY crew only if there is a space availiable Smile but if you simply add the app i see you as a neighbor and i can pick up lottery or coins daily plus the "new" bonus!!! congratulations kinda like hotel city Smile

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Are you still planing Lucky?

I posted some Treasure Ideas in the TOF.

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I stopped as I was kinda bored... I could never find the last missing treasures AND it was IMPOSSIBLE to find gems etc... Sad

and the battles where to few.. Sad

I like the game but until it's changed or atleast when we will be able to gift gems etc i'm taking a break.. Can you post here too for me to read? Or send the link? Smile

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If there are Pet Treasures. Why not make Treasures refered to other PF games? REstaurant City or Country Story? Hotel City or Pirates Ahoy? And the REward can be Golden statues like the Mayor one:
1. RC-Golden Maggie Statue
2. CS-Golden Mayor Statue
3. PA-Golden Parrot Statue
4. HC-Golden Bellboy Statue
Mystical Treasre map and a lot of Mistivcal Treasures would be great.
1. Dragon (Dragon Statue)
2. Fire (Some Artefact or something to do with Fire)
3. Water (Fountain of Youth)
4. Earth (Tree of Life)
5. Air (Something to fo with Air)
6. Wizard Equipment (Merlin)

I can send you the Battle requests.

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As always you'd love to see mystical updates congratulations I would too!!! congratulations

I have enough requests just not enough to send back Sad

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Can you Comment on the TOF on the Thread. And do you know anthing that can be reward for Fire and Air like Fountain of Youth for Water and Tree of Life for Earth?

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7 Wonders treasures:
A collection of treasures where the reward is one of the 7 Ancient Wonders

Arount the world TReasures:
Collection is the name of Country and treasures and rewards are stuff that the country is famous for it Exapmle: Enlgand Big Ben figurine, USA Statue of Liberty Figurine, Australia Sydney Opera House, France Tower of Eiffel, Egypt Piyramid of Giza etc.

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