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The petling limit...

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The petling limit will be increased to 20 next week. I myself suggested that in TOF and Mark Bendon, the PS mayor, replied and told me that it's gonna happen next week. I am so happy. congratulations

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Great, I love any change that helps people to have what they want Smile I hope they listen to other great suggestions too

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Sad I sold doggies and cats to be able to buy the dragon and pegasus
Would like to have them back

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I like it, but I hope that the people will feed their existing petlings. Begging petlings is massively depressing for me. That's why mine are all over the place. congratulations

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Lazar, that's great that they listened to you, are puting your idea into practice and actually sent you a reply! Way to go! You got PlayFish to listen = your my hero!

As long as people don't keep them all in their "visitng room" I'm fine with the 20 petling limit. It's just sooooo slow when I visit a Pet who has 10 petlings in the 1st room Ashamed

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yellownancy wrote:
As long as people don't keep them all in their "visitng room" I'm fine with the 20 petling limit. It's just sooooo slow when I visit a Pet who has 10 petlings in the 1st room Ashamed

Oh yes! Please!!!!! Petling owners....don't put more than 3 in the first room! It makes it impossible to visit, take pictures, or wash your flies off! (especially if you also have flapping wings and jubles)

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i got mine in the garden and they are only four. i', wondering thought what kind of petlings are they going to add since they increased the limit. any guesses?

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