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Been Gone From PSFC for awhile

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Hello all at PSFC. Thought I would give a quick greeting. I haven't been on this forum in a while. Been busy with kids, summer and this that and the other. Been playing Pet Society, religiously. Last time I was on, I was at level 21. Now i am on level 30...oh boy...time flies when u are pettin around town. I am starting to get a bit of interest in trading, so, if u have any wonderful tips, please, would love to hear from you all....
Hope you all had a grand summer.... I am patiently waiting for school to start for the kiddos then i can really be on here a lot lot more Smile
Always looking for more neighbors for sparkie to play with, so please feel free to send me a friend request on Facebook. See u around town ya'll

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Welcome back Kivie!!

Its really good to have you back hun.

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hellllo darling!!! love you long time!!! ba ha ha ha. it was good to see you today. i'm glad we finished our evals finally!!! LOL!!

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*sniff* *tears*
Thank you soooooooo much lisa, jeanie, anastasia, Yvette, pedja and polina.... you guys are sooo awesome.... slap me a few times for being gone for so long....
I am just learning all about the PS trade business.... so, slappin my hands together and jumpin for joy to be able to chit chat with ya'll and have some fun...
Ok...on with cruisin this forum while enjoying my very rare peace and quiet in my home

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Lucky Stike...i hear ya...notes are not easy to chat.... me silly... Thanks again for the incredible warm welcome back....

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Lucky Strike.... u said...check my inbox, here.... u mean my new messages, right? PM's? I just want to make sure i am not missing any other type of inbox that i am not aware of Ashamed

Sara....thx for the wonderful greeting...i feel so so so so soooooooooo welcomed with open arms.
You guys are the BEST

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