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New virus doing the rounds in facebook

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If someone on your friends list sends you a facebook inbox message with a link in it, please be careful

There is a new virus doing the facebook rounds. If you see the word retrobutiken in the link then DONT CLICK ON IT!

Another giveaway is that the message is not sent to only you but a lot of people...including the person sending it

Please, be careful, and if in doubt run a malaware programme to ensure your pc is clean

If anyone is worried about this...or anything else on their pc...just pm me and I'll see if I can help

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I did get a wierd chat pop up yesterday, lisa, from a member, here on psfc that i really have not had that much contact with, and it was a link to a video that this member stated that i was in...

I thought it to be very odd, so, i just closed the chat box....

thank you for the warning, lisa. i will be keeping my guard up, for sure

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kiviern04 wrote:
I did get a wierd chat pop up yesterday, lisa, from a member, here on psfc that i really have not had that much contact with, and it was a link to a video that this member stated that i was in...

I thought it to be very odd, so, i just closed the chat box....

thank you for the warning, lisa. i will be keeping my guard up, for sure

I think that once someone clicks on the link, not only does it put nasty things on your pc, but it also gets into your address book and sends the link to your friends Sad

I have known the person who sent me the message for nearly 30 years, and there is no way she would send it out on purpous..in fact she will be devestated when she realises her mistake has affected her friends Sad

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Lucky Strike wrote:

yep Sad havent heard of this one before though so thought I'd better warn you all Sad

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Every now and then there's aaaalways something.. It kinda gets boring... Let's hope that this time all people will have been warned soon enough...

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