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Lucky Strike

2 things/questions

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1) do the new sweets have started to fall from trees??? I can't find any but some people i know have already found them.. is it a glitch??
2) if they are out.. how do they look like? how many are they and how many can we find per day or find ourselves in total??

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they are the same as last year... so if you have those than you have reached you limit and cant get anymore Sad


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you gotta be kidding me!!!!!! COME ON!!!!!! and what about those that have them???? unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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if you dont have it yet then you will get them when you bump the trees.
but if you do only coins will fall out

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I made a deal with a friend: I work shaking the trees and I send her every candy I find. Then, at the end, she will send me most of the candies and keep as much as she wants). I think it's the only way to get a lot of them congratulations

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I'll do somewhat the same thing.. It's the only way Smile atleast we have a way.. even if it's tiresome.. Btw.. do you remember the limit? it was 3 or 5 of each? at the end of hallo tell me how many you have Smile if i can help i'll be more than happy Smile

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hehe! ps and it's crazyness...

if at the end of hallo you'd like more please let me know and see if i can do anything Smile thank you Smile

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the candies are great for quick treats for your pet. They also make great fishing bait! Oh, and gifts! You can give them away!

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