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Chat room quiz

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I'm thinking of doing a quiz in the chat room like we used to do. What time (GMT) is best for YOU???

We used to have great fun chatting and quizzing and I'm sure we could again ...please let me know if you are interested in joining in

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kasijab wrote:
I'm thinking of doing a quiz in the chat room like we used to do. What time (GMT) is best for YOU???

We used to have great fun chatting and quizzing and I'm sure we could again ...please let me know if you are interested in joining in

I noticed that today! I saw the chat and now I'm happy we can use it!!! For me, the best time is in the evening (from 17:00 to... 22:00 GMT) Smile

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ok..this is a really dumb question...but the GMT, is that the time that is posted on psfc?

cause i am in pacific standard time, but i can work around everyone to the best real life allows me too

i am soooo and really excited for this chat room.... i tried it out, and iwas talking to myself
i love the colors that u can pick....

i am soo ready to try this....woo hoo.

thank you sooo much Lea75, for bringing it back. i was not a member when u did have this before. I hope we all can make it work so we can all get to know each other a bit more by letting our fingers to the talkin congratulations

and a quiz, Kasi...totally cool...i am in...just gotta figure out the time difference thingymabobber

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Maybe we could do multiple quizzes, throughout the day... since we have a some members in all different time zones.....
so, we could say....quiz with kasi @ such a such time....
and /or u could join the next quiz with kivie @ such a such time???

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well, i just notice the chat room today. hehehe, i tryed to click tha chat tab, but it didnt respons.
i'm GMT +7

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LMAO!!! "Quiz with Kasi" and "Quiz with Kivie" both sound like names of game shows!

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ohhhh, i used to love the chat room quizzes!! anytime you guys set i'll try to attend. however because of the time difference it would be nice to have it at a time when we are all awake or have a couple of quizzes on those days to accommodate the different times. for example kasi can do one and then kivie...one over there...one over here :-))

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Kivie we are GMT -8 we be living in the past compared to most people here. i think people living even more in the past then us be hawaiians.

most people are up in PSFC when it's around midnight for me. XD

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I have no idea what a chat room quiz is, but this time 16 gmt is perfect for me
I can be online from 14 until 18 or 19 gmt I guess, Mon to Fri

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Riuna wrote:
Kivie we are GMT -8 we be living in the past compared to most people here. i think people living even more in the past then us be hawaiians.

most people are up in PSFC when it's around midnight for me. XD

thx riuna...i had my time zone on my profile at GMT 14, i think...what a dweeb master....
so i changed it....
i still don't understand this time zone stuff... having u tell me we are GMT-8 is perfect.... u did the math for me...
so, i am going on by the clock here on psfc.... and i could be on from 1600-2200; then off and on again from 0000-0200.
anyother times i be sleeping.... ?

i am still interested in doing different time zone quizzes, ????

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kiviern04 wrote:
Riuna wrote:
Kivie we are GMT -8 we be living in the past compared to most people here. i think people living even more in the past then us be hawaiians.

most people are up in PSFC when it's around midnight for me. XD

thx riuna...i had my time zone on my profile at GMT 14, i think...what a dweeb master....
so i changed it....
i still don't understand this time zone stuff... having u tell me we are GMT-8 is perfect.... u did the math for me...
so, i am going on by the clock here on psfc.... and i could be on from 1600-2200; then off and on again from 0000-0200.
anyother times i be sleeping.... ?

i am still interested in doing different time zone quizzes, ????

Laughing you leave in the past! LaughingLaughingLaughing

The red letters are interesting Smile

And well.. If i sleep late I get to be here when you are! congratulations (or if i wake really early and find you a bit before you go Smile )

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sinenomine wrote:
I have no idea what a chat room quiz is, but this time 16 gmt is perfect for me
I can be online from 14 until 18 or 19 gmt I guess, Mon to Fri

i think my situation is the same as Sinenomine, but i'll try to attend the quiz anytime it'll hold.

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