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ps has problem????????

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trying to buy my limited item cause today i wont be home and ps kick me out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do u have the same problem?????????

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Yeah, and a lot of others seem to have the same problem.
Every time I buy the item, the game kicks me out and says there's problems with my account or something...
Hoping to buy one though...

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so do i!!!!!!!!!i will return bak later!!!!!!!!!!!!have a good day guys love u

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I've got the same problem, checked out TOF and seems everyone's got that problem too Sad Honestly, a new LE item comes out every single week, why oh why can't playfish get it right???????????????

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I noticed that people are having issues with the invitations. Sad Not working.

Oh well, moved thread to PS chat forum.

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If Playfish are aware of this then surely they shoulf remove the LE until they can fix it...rather than this happen to everyone!

Not everyone will have access to a forum and wont know that this is a glich and will go into full panic mode when they see the error message

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Hehehe, I have to admit I went to panic mode this morning and asked Mom to check if she was able to buy one. in the meantime found out no one was able to buy it and said somewhere PF is working on it.

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Tromo3 wrote:
They fixed it. But there is no Gift option for me.

There's no need, now non-cc LE items are giftable

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Hahaha, well, wanted to let you guys know problems have been solved! woohoo!

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