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Whats In The Chest? Competition - WINNER ANNOUNCED

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So, you think you know your PS items? Well here is a challenge for you! Below are 9 chests and each one comes with a description of what is hiding away inside. All you have to do is SEND ME A PM with what item you think is in them.
Just press the buttons and
choose your tune!

You would have to have
a giant pocket to carry this!

[b]Im the king of the jungle

and I live on your bed!

You normally see my red brother singing in the garden.

Add a bit of luxury to your front door.

Your baby might be very scared in this!

I hatched from an egg into a warmer climate than Im used too.

Havent you heard? You should never smile at me.

I hop hop hop! But Im made of chocolate.

The member who gets the most correct with recieve a special prize of my choosing which will remain a secret until the comp ends.

- You must have 25 posts to enter
- You must have no current warnings
- One enter per member, once sent it cant be changed,
so please think about your answers before you send.

This competition will end on Sunday 28th Novemeber



You win one of the CC items that will be coming out tomorrow hun!
It will be a lovely suprise when you log on tomorrow Smile xx

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Just sent a pm!!!!!!!!! I hadn't even seen this comp until right now!!!! I really liked it though, really got my brain working!!

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Congrats.. Wow, I should have joined.. some of my guess are correct... but still congrats..
It's a nice game. I just don't have guts to give it a try..
+1 rep for an awesome game like this.

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OMG!!!!!!! Thanks Gaia!!!!!! I find it really funny that the one I got wrong was the carriage, I put the purple one!

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I should have just not said the colour at all, and just said "gothic halloween baby carriage"?

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Congrats Jennifer!

This was a great comp - I'll add rep!

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