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Lucky Strike

Has YOUR luck changed??

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Has your luck changed while opening the boxes?? For the better or the worse..

I'd say now I'm on 60% good and 40% junk

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i would have to agree with that. i just keep buying and selling until i get the items i want.

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I had good luck with the GMB's while I was collecting for the competition, but I've lost it now, LOL.

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ME? still no luck... i get only 1*999 for opening a 4+1 GMB and only 3*999 on 10+3 GMB

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I find my luck is better than it was a few months ago.
And since I get 10 or more free boxes per day from some great friends who visit me often I can't complain.

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My luck has been absolutely terrible! So much so that I might never open another GMB again (oh, who am I kidding? lol but I sure do feel like this at the moment) ...I spent over 15,000 coins just trying to get the new items and I got ZILCH! Maybe about 4*999s too out of it all, can you believe it?!! That was HORRIBLE. Horrible!!

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