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Lost Items :(

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I was just looking in Steph's shop (Gaia's Bargain Basement) and I went to look in Maisie's wardrobe to see if she'd got one of the items and they've disappeared!
I know I bought the Sugar Plum Fairy clothes bundle when it was in the shops but now I only seem to have the Dress but not the Slippers or the Tiara, what the heckkkkkkkkkk! I can't seem to see them in any of Maisie's walk-in closets either so I don't know where they've gone but all of these disappearing glitches are starting to annoy me now, Playfish need to get it sorted grrrrr!
Well that's my rant over with anyway Laughing but anyone else lost there's or just me? x

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awww bless! i must admit i dont think i have ever lost any items. but ive sent you the tiara hun to help you out Smile i dont have any slippers though sorry lol xx

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Sent the slippers for you sweetie! Sorry your items have disappeared. I haven't had that happen to me, I sure I hope I'd notice if it did! Hopefully that doesn't happen again!

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i hate this disappearing thing to Sad well i am sure that few weeks ago i have bought 10 Romantic stone column cause they are pretty useful and i like them congratulations and when i'm was going to decorat room this week i searched for them and no Sad there isn't any of them Sad i have looked at every single room and in every single page of my chest and noo Sad there are all anoyher romantic stone items like chairs,table etc but no columns SadSad and few more things i have found some time ago that i'm missing Sad

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Thankyou sooooo much Steph & Sara, I wasn't expecting anyone to send me the items so you both put a massive smile on my face! Maisie is now wearing her outfit hehe

I don't think I've lost any items before (or not that I know of anyway!) but this was the first Sad silly game! Oooh yeah the cheesy wallpaper but luckily mine didn't disappear *fingers crossed* lol

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Lucky Strike wrote:

It's so wonderful to have an angel with the same name!

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Awww how kind of you Anastasia (Lucky Strike), I'm glad to see you got another wallpaper Stasia! (Kokonee) congratulations People on here are just sooo kind congratulations

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hi.. so it's true that there is a possibility that others lose their items? coz my sister loves the prince doll.. (the japanese one, that you could get in expensive mystery box) the time it was available we spent a lot to get that item. but now she lost hers.. she was devastated... I got two but I sold the other one... *sigh*

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