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Pedj@ 94 Dixy

•*´¨`*•.¸♥♥.¸¸.ღ BIG Contest ღ.¸¸.♥♥¸.•*´¨`*•

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Thanks Earon and Pedja! congratulations Wow thats really amazing! Can't wait to see the bundles and old le ! How exciting! Laughing (. . . Its kinda fun to make the letters really small... )


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haha.... yep its fun to make the letters small... well we need to make it small so we'll not spoil the secret... btw... i have to go because i had a class coming up... thanks for the chat ^_^


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hi guys congratulations Congrats earon congratulations your prize will be delivered in a few seconds and the new surprise will be posted soon congratulationscongratulationsSmile


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thanks Pedja! i wonder what are those le and bundles.... it's thrilling


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heheheheheh i don't have much time now but will update later today i promise congratulations xD Sorry earon Dixy has accidently opened bundle and i have sent you all parts congratulationsSmile

What do you think that will be next theme in PS congratulations i would like April Fool congratulations xD


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That would be very interesting. congratulations I think there should be a false door and when you click on it a pie hits you in the face. Laughing And maybe another door that is real, and looks exactly the same. "Which will you pick for the grand prize? Door #1 or Door #2?" Then put two fake doors next to each other.

*Door #1* BAM Pie in the face. "Ooo sorry. . . Bad luck. Here I'll let you try the other one." Smile
*Door #2* BAM Another pie in the face. "Hmmm... Guess it just wasn't meant to be." *Shrugs*
BUT You get an ALL EXPENSE PAID TRIP TO----- your house! Just make sure to use the other door in the other room.
. . .


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azhahahahahahahaahahah LOL this would be very nice congratulationscongratulations i would loooove that congratulationscongratulations xD

New game is posted on first page in post #3 congratulations good luck everyone congratulations Dixy is going to bed now congratulationscongratulations


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oh! wow what a b-e-a-u-ti-ful competition Pedja! .... we need to find the Jester in your house... and we'll have a chance to win some cool prizes... you're really up to some nice comps... and Lisa... your concept about April Fools is also great!


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yep me too... the jester thingys... they're so cool....


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Glad you enjoyed my idea Pedja! And thanks for the complement Earon. congratulations It's fun making up scenarios.


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hehe... yep it is fun making scenarios especially when you're daydreaming and nothing to do... if there will ever be an April Fools' Week in PS ... i think there will be full of pranks ... hehe...


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ohh I'm sooo happy you guys like my idea congratulations Congrats Tsukiko you have found it first this time congratulations Prize will be sent in a minute and you all can start sending me messages for Jester 2 congratulations i have already hidden it somewhere in my house congratulationscongratulations


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oh... im gonna find it ... i forgot to find it yesterday >.<


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okie Earon congratulations yesterday it was pretty easy congratulations this one is little hard congratulationsSmile but well i think that it worth to search a little cause prize is first LE item that was in PS ever congratulationscongratulations Peter Pan Statue congratulations


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aw... it was really hard to find i've been searching all over for it ... hehe... good luck to me ^_^


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is it really hidden on something or can we see it clearly? and how many guesses can i have?


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aw... its really hard to find >.< but i'll do it for the peter pan statue


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yep see you tomorrow ^_^ searching all over for it ...


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hi Tsukiko... how long did you find the Jester Doll? haha... i just guess my answer because i didn't find it >.< Curse you Jester !!!


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hiya all congratulations well Tsukiko you can but you will not be able to win prize Smile and well first jester wasn't hidden pretty well because of the layering problem but well this one is little harder but if you look good you can find it congratulations xD


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what if there are no other people who had guessed or found the location of the doll? what will happen?


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well we will wait at least 2 or 3 days before i change the place of the Jester congratulations but well it is not that hard if you look in every corner of my house congratulationsSmile


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can i guess again Pedja? and did you like the PFC Seed?


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sorry you can't guess in this round congratulations you need to wait for someone to guess this one first congratulations you can guess only once per round congratulationsSmile

yes I like it very much congratulationsSmilecongratulations


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hehe... how many did you have? i'll send you another one for free... share and spread the good news to everyone ^_^


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aw... i think you forgot to put your number Pedja ^_^... your welcome...


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hehehhe yeah congratulations i have edited congratulations well I'm little busy congratulations i will have one more surprise during weekend congratulations but i would love that this forum has more members Sad i really love making competitions and sendng prizes but it is not fun when you have 2 members that are posting here SadSad soooo I'm was thinking about action to get new members to this forum congratulations what you think about this ??? congratulations do you know anyone who would love to come here congratulationsSmile


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hehe... yep my younger brother would like to join here but he would only talk some nonsense stuffs because he's only seven .. but he knows how the trading works ^_^ ... you forgot your number again ^_^


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hehehehehe well if we can get any new members here it will be pretty cool cause most of old members are not soo active anymore SadSadSad i remember times when here was more then 50 or even 100 members online congratulationsLaughing that was good times congratulationscongratulations hehehe yeah i have forgot again congratulations xD


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oh really? 50 members online everyday? well i think there are less active people because PS is not that popular anymore


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well yeah congratulations there was about 50 or even more people online in the same time congratulations chats was pretty fats and we are all loving to be here congratulations i remember when first wish upon a star has come congratulations i have posted my wish list and granted some and there was only about 10 pages in that thread ... then i have gone for about 3-4 hours and there was about 15-20 more pages then before congratulations it was very quick congratulations and soooo AMAZING congratulations


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Hello guys
A lot of amazing members have gone away from game, that is sad, probably they have played for a long time and now PS is boring

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yeah but well i play for almost 2 years congratulations 2 years will be in May i think and well PS is still same AMAZING as it was on the beggining congratulations even morte now cause i can gift my friends and put a smile on their faces congratulationsSmile xD


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Earon, the Jester 1 was very easy to find actually. XD Maybe its cuz may ppl are busy right now? idk. My brother would probably like to join, but hes still a little young.


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ohhh well everyone can join congratulations if you know any friends that would like to join tell them about this site congratulationscongratulations xD


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i'm fine! how is the jester ? is the jester still hidden?


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yes Sad nobody isn't here Sad I'm sooo sad that this game sin't active like before SadSad I have bought a lot more prize but i can't give them since anybody don't want to play Sad


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i'm sure it will be more active when summer has arrived... maybe some of the users are only busy on something ... just cheer up and continue doing good things to everyone and make us happy ^_^

697 -- only 3 more post before someone wins ^_^

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Goodness Pedja. XD I looked thorough your house and I didn't see it. XD i'll look again. (For fun of course! )

698 ---- Two now. congratulations

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