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Cathedral Wallpaper

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So, PF fixed the "glitch" on the Cathedral Wallpaper so now there is only one Cathedral. Great. Some of us worked around that and now we have:

instead of:

Now it's

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I thought I had lost my mind when I went in to my pets house and it was all rearranged! lol I changed it to fit the glitch and now it's back! Thanks for letting me know I'm not crazy!

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awww Thats not fair! I only bought the wallpaper this morning and was surprised it didn't adjust it's self like all the other wall papers in the giant rooms do. Ah well... Your room was really beautiful hun! I'm sure you will make it look fantastic again! You did an amazing job decorating to make it look like a giant cathedral entrance!

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Thanks! I rather liked it with a big cathedral! And I did enter that in the room of the week competition.

I'm not sure if I am up to redoing it Sad

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I know that feeling, I almost gave up when PS refused to save a pic of my room. At least you got to share a pic like you said. Maybe too many people will complain and they will fix it back to the way it was.

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looks like I'll have to re-do my room as well then Sad

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Makes me glad that I did not use the cathedral wallpaper at all and instead just did a small chapel. I loved your original room, Stas. It's a bummer that they fixed it.

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I've changed the room to fit the fixed "glitch"
I decided to go with the Big Cathedral idea;

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