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hey everyone! sorry i've been MIA! just an update...
we bought a new house by a small lake and we are almost set to move. i've been busy working and packing and trying to get things in order. we're moving this friday so times ticking away!! i hope everyone is well and i hope to be back once we are settled into the house in about 2-3 weeks...hopefully sooner! the painter will be there for 7 days so we have to stay with my inlaws. after that it's a matter of moving everything into the house since this friday we are moving everything into the garage only. eeks!! anyway, i hope everyone is well. miss you guys!!

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Have fun Jeanie! And take pictures of your new house! congratulations

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that must be a really nice house!!!

As for me.. I'm swamped.. The little time i get with the pc i play "easy" not time consuming games.. And as a result i don't get to play ps as much as i'd like.. Sad

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