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I'm back on Pet Society and back on the forum :)

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I took a break from Pet Society, and also was living for awhile someplace without a computer. I'm back at my parents house now with internet and all and thought I'd try playing Pet Society again now that I have the means and it's like a brand new game again I've been away for so long. But man am I low on funds, thinking about selling some older, rarer things that I no longer care that much about. I guess keep an eye out for that as I'll have to organize that first. But anyways...how has everyone been? Hi to all the folks that don't remember me from when I was on here before. I missed everyone Smile Also I'm down for some new friend requests for pet society as I cleared out my list some after I stopped playing. look forward to talking to everyone Smile

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I like the new pet society but it makes me sad that so many of the very cool items are limited to the cash items, I guess I understand the game is fun and functional without those things but man those things are cool and I don't really have the cash to get em. Like that makeup table, that's like the coolest thing I've seen on pet society ever, hands down, and since it's a cash item, I will probably never have it. And I'm sure lots of players do feel this way, but of course it is cool to have a few of the cash prestigious items as well, kind of makes you feel special when you do get a cash item somehow, it's all part of the game we've all grown so addicted to, what can I say? lol.

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