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Enyo's KL Trip 20th of March 2009(ORDER CLOSE AT 10pm)

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Hi Guys n girls,

Will be coming down to meet members in KL soon so I will be listing my itinerary here. Fell free to make time to meet me at any of the location I'll be going.

11.30pm Leaving Singapore by express bus

5.30am Arrived at Puduraya. Will have breakfast nearby and relax a bit.
7.00am Check in or leave luggage at Cititel.
8.30am Going to visit relatives at Taman Tun.
11.00am Start shopping with wife at 1U and Ikano. May drop by Tesco. Having lunch nearby.
3.30pm Go back to Mid Valley to sleep a while in the hotel before continue hunting.
6.30pm Maybe hav diner with a friend(Need To be confirmed) or any of you
9.00pm Start to go HWCM weekly meet up ..Please someone volunteer to pick me up

11.00am just finish breakfast and take final shower
12.00pm Start do final shopping at Mid Valey
2.00pm Leave KL for Ipoh with Arttt (Hopefully)

Any of you want to trade with me .. sent a personal message please ...

Takata . got ur stuff so already will pass to u when we meet

Arttt, ur stuff are ready too

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a word of caution: be more carefull when you arrive arrive in puduraya early in the morning bro. =)

enjoy your trip!

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this is not the first time i go puduraya early in the morning ... I once reach 3 in the morning for an appointment at 8am... really crazy

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can't wait 2 meet up wif u~

*when u arrive, call ADvader escort u 2 hotel.

*bout Artt's ride.....b ready 4, 0-100km/h <6s!
Artt>>>kasi pump sikit ya! hehehe!

*20/03/09 i'll go Ah Mei's concert at nite~ tight schedual >.<"'

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Wellcome....Taiko Enyo..
No plan visit Penang ar? Surprised

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demonicle wrote:
DA... i know u got it there la.. i already asked someone to help me get. but since enyo is coming to kl soon, y not ask him to tolong get me one Razz

IC IC.... misunderstanding.. Razz

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sorry ah loon .. n otime to make a trip to penang .. will try to come down in near future.

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enyomic wrote:
sorry ah loon .. n otime to make a trip to penang .. will try to come down in near future.

Come visit me... ....

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Fellow members .... it's gonna be 1 week before i make my trip to KL. What stuff u guys wanna trade or buy from Singapore please update me okay. thanks ...

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ok people ... final warning ....

members who so far comfirmed their order ....


the rest please pm me by wednesday nite ... i will not entertain any other order after that

Please resend ur orders to recomfirm also ok ...

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when are you coming aussie to visit me?

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