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Pydrumer haul 13.03.09

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A few days late since my camera died, but its up and running again....

More pictures and more hauls and report coming up in my blog

Was hoping to find the qombee super but instead.... Smile

Now I just wanna rest for a few days...haha

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SUUUUUPERRRRR! nice one, you're truly a hardworking hunter. Very Happy

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ummmm, not the most hardworking I can tell you that.....but I was doing the "happy dance" when I found this....the feeling is like you are about to pee in your pants...haha

Now after finding this, I feel like resting for a few days......

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ur hardwork paid off py

but mine still no signs of any super

or 09 regulars or even any 09 cars

cuz klang still no 09 cards

anyway congrats

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@raymond - Well wat can I say, except keep trying till you find them
@sinclair - err thanks.....

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wowow finally i can see how $BB look like. congraz py. your magic spell work on your self first before other eh? haha.

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@kuku - well, I am a lousy magician thats for sure if the spell backfired back on me Smile ...anyway $BB does exist out ion our market. At least we know that now.

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yeah it's good to know that. you can rest now py. let us do the hard work to find the other $BB. Very Happy

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@kuku - yup actually by now all the cars I want for this wave I have found already....work so hard also is to find the super right or not....so ok will rest now....now over to u then.. Smile

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yeah work so hard is to find the super. but if see regular also kasi sapu! haha.

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pydrumerboy wrote:
@kuku - yup actually by now all the cars I want for this wave I have found already....work so hard also is to find the super right or not....so ok will rest now....now over to u then.. Smile

thats true, get what you want and then kumpul tenaga and resources until next wave.. albino

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except the wheel, any other difference between regular BB and $BB?

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The color is blue overall for the super but the reg has bits which are purple...
Painjob is a little richer as well

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whoaa~! finally see someone own a $ Bagger.. nice one py!

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nice scoring those py...
do ur magic to me also bro...
just hoping i can grab once its available here...

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haha thanks bro py...
hope ur lucky zam2 will help me score something nice tomolo~
haha Very Happy

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