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'41 willy...

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as u guys know, this car was the engine donor for my F&F dodge charger... now the car is without any engine and a large hole on the front hood.... so i decided to customize this car and cover up the front hole... huhu.. its quite a straight forward task...

so here's the pic of the car after the engine been given to the charger....

as in the paint stripping tutorial, ive stripped off the original color of the car....

after all the stripping progress completed, i continued to cover up the hole on the front hood using some model card and putty..
(sorry, no pic of the progress.... hehe)

then ive sprayed it with pearl black color...

some pic with the F&F dodge charger...... compare the diff between flat black and pearl black.. hehe

for the detailings, i'll hunt for some silver marker maybe tomorrow..

comments and critique are welcome...

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haha... how if i add some batman logo??? haha... thanx anyway...

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dun hav 2 add d logo lar, may i suggest just use the batman color scheme will do (if u want to)..I think even w/o the logo, ppl still get the idea.. it'll be your own original batmobile Smile

wif the logo, it'll be too obvious..hehe..juz sharing my 2 cents.. cheers!

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aphong2681 wrote:
dun hav 2 add d logo lar, may i suggest just use the batman color scheme will do (if u want to)..I think even w/o the logo, ppl still get the idea.. it'll be your own original batmobile Smile

wif the logo, it'll be too obvious..hehe..juz sharing my 2 cents.. cheers!

yup thats pretty true! the recent few batmobiles does not have the batman logo too Smile

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elgee wrote:
aphong2681 wrote:
dun hav 2 add d logo lar, may i suggest just use the batman color scheme will do (if u want to)..I think even w/o the logo, ppl still get the idea.. it'll be your own original batmobile Smile

wif the logo, it'll be too obvious..hehe..juz sharing my 2 cents.. cheers!

yup thats pretty true! the recent few batmobiles does not have the batman logo too Smile

super hero must be low profile ! rabbit

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wah...at least the willy can breath new life now...
even without the engine hehe
cant wait for the detailings~

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ooo nice.. me likey the willy.. maybe u can add somemore 'sayap kelawar?' make it look more bat-ish..

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Wow,excellent work,really impressive.
The Dodge Charger look so nice after added the engine, well done man! cheers

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hehe.. thanx guys.... anyway i like the idea to custom it as a batmobile.. but like bro san said must make it look more bat-ish... hehe...

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