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Asphalt Assault

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I like this year's car but I have not seen one on the pegs. Are they rare?

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Peter wrote:
I like this year's car but I have not seen one on the pegs. Are they rare?

Just need to know they will be in which case

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Didn't see it atm..let's wait for new restock sweat

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Couldn't understand why a car has such a name. Asphalt is like tar used to build roads while assault means a sudden violent attack. So meaning this car is very powerful, running very fast and its tyres are attacking the road surface. Shocked

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Am I right that this car has yet to be released in Malaysia?

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Peter wrote:
Couldn't understand why a car has such a name. Asphalt is like tar used to build roads while assault means a sudden violent attack. So meaning this car is very powerful, running very fast and its tyres are attacking the road surface. Shocked

lol..this actually make sense somehow.. bouncebounce
Haven't seen it anywhere so far.. Sleep

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mortfish wrote:
Peter wrote:
Couldn't understand why a car has such a name. Asphalt is like tar used to build roads while assault means a sudden violent attack. So meaning this car is very powerful, running very fast and its tyres are attacking the road surface. Shocked

lol..this actually make sense somehow.. bouncebounce
Haven't seen it anywhere so far.. Sleep

I always admire how creative Mattel's staff is in naming, designing, ... their cars. They are no. 1!

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The plus point about this car is the nice engine can be seen. If it rained heavily ......? Shocked

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netmatrix wrote:
Its just released if i'm not mistaken. I seen it before.

Thanks for updating us. I hope to get one.

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[img] 53384911.jpg[/img]

here r the other 2 old Asphalt Assault with the new one together !

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Hi LSK138,

Thanks for the nice picture with 3 Asphalt Assault cars. I'm yet to grab one. I remember there is one car racing movie entitled "Asphalt Racing" which may be of interest to you also.

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Happy to grab two AAs last Sunday but a close look reviews the boot lids on both cars bulged out due to riveting. I checked one such car from the 5-car package and found OK and the metal of this car seemed to be thicker.

I don't know how the riveting was done but I guess the bulge was the result of pushing while the metal was too thin to resist the force. Hope Mattel to improve on this.

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I saw some car accessories but not sure what they are. Are they loud speakers, fire extinguishers, ...???? Please help.

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"Asphalt Assault" is used to name a sub series of the 2013 cars. Wonder one of the cars is Asphalt Assault.

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Hi Atomkinder,

You have a pic of the McDonald AA? Appreciate you post it here if you have one.

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AA is a fictitious car but t looks like a real car. I always like to look at the beautiful engine below the cut bonnet. I regretted for I had ignored them totally over the years. However, this year I started to pick up the first two and most likely that I'll continue to do so in years to come provided Mattel corrected the defect I mentioned earlier.

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Peter wrote:
Hi Atomkinder,

You have a pic of the McDonald AA? Appreciate you post it here if you have one.

PETER ! i think u r taking about this car make for McDonald !


and this car came without any interior at all

[img] 39318511.jpg[/img]

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Thanks to LSK138 for posted pic. of the McDonald AA. You played with it? It looks worn out. Wonder any engine there but it looks like having one. The black bonnet looks sporty. Likewise for the back spoiler and matching. Red screens match with the same colour rims. The red colour gives a hot impression. It looks nice but better if the car had McDonald graphics on it.

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Peter wrote:
Thanks to LSK138 for posted pic. of the McDonald AA. You played with it? It looks worn out. Wonder any engine there but it looks like having one. The black bonnet looks sporty. Likewise for the back spoiler and matching. Red screens match with the same colour rims. The red colour gives a hot impression. It looks nice but better if the car had McDonald graphics on it.

yes ! it with engine anyway this car used to play by my son dat y looks worn out and also side tempo sticker gone also LaughingEmbarassed not like Atomkinder with his AA still so new !

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Thanks to Atomkinder for showing his new McDonald AA with original side graphics I supposed. It seems that the casting here is not as sharp, most probably due to the thick paint. The grill is of the same colour as the bumper and I guess it is not a separate piece, different from the 'usual' casting. Such a difference could be related to the absent of an engine bec. the 'usual' grill is part of the engine. Here the grill has to be sealed, again necessary, I supposed. Well, interesting!

Atomkinder and LSL138 are welcomed to comment or correct me.

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Atomkinder wrote:
Think it's made in china

yes ! this car made in CHINA

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It is hard to find an AA on the pegs, so I think this casting must be very popular.

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Peter wrote:
It is hard to find an AA on the pegs, so I think this casting must be very popular.

over here on and off still can see some blue AA on pegs !

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The tampo of this 2010 AA above is very similar to the 2012 version.

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The AA above from the 2005 5-pack is the coolest and nicest. I like the pink and black combination.

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This AA from 2009 is very nice too but I don't have. There's also a green version. I can recall seeing them in that year and did consider to grab one but no. Thought it's nice but fictitious and so the result.

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