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Darn, put at the wrong post earlier...

Just got back from a long break and managed to haul these Hot Boxes.
Couldn't resist, so grabbed as many as I could but not all the condition is good
because of the long flight and luggage handling.
I think, the last time Msia had Hot Boxes was back in 2007.
I remembered I "sapu" over 40 of it.

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There were so many Ferraris, AngryBirds, Mystery Vans, Minis...etc
But I only grabbed a few handful.
So, if you're holidaying overseas do lookout for these items as it is very
useful to stored your loose cars.
Especially this new Hot Boxes, it can be combined.

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Wow, it comes out again. Must grab some more, just a few spaces left for my Bone Shakers.

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sinclair wrote:
Wow, it comes out again. Must grab some more, just a few spaces left for my Bone Shakers.

It's very random where it would available, don't even see it at EviBay.
Hopefully it will appear here.

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Wow which country you went that have all these great cars....In Singapore...they repack all those they can't sell during June Holiday into these Hot Box...so you can never fin anything good....lol....wish to be as lucky as you...Superized...yummy... cyclopsRazzVery Happy

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microvette wrote:
Wow which country you went that have all these great cars....In Singapore...they repack all those they can't sell during June Holiday into these Hot Box...so you can never fin anything good....lol....wish to be as lucky as you...Superized...yummy... cyclopsRazzVery Happy

Well, I need as much hot boxes as I can.
I got it at...

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Interesting thing is they pack great cars to these boxes!
Hard Rock Bali! Got hot wheels ?? Awesome.
Is Hard Rock Bali still as fun n beautiful?
I have good memory of HR bali. Bali was the first destination overseas after completing my ns.

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