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The RUIN MY WISH game thread

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This game was borrowed from justine_trade from the PS forum

NOTE: This is a game not a wish thread. Let's just have fun ok?

1. Look at person's wish above you
2. Ruin their wish by writing something mean/evil/ironic about their wish (see examples)
3. Try not to repeat the answers of other people. Be creative, the funnier the better!
4. State your dream PS item so the next person can ruin your wish

Person above you: I wish for a black cat
Your post: But the legend about it is true -- it brings you bad luck everyday. Then state your wish

Person above you: I wish for a princess rug
Your post: But the rug turned out to be a magic flying carpet made by cannibals of an unknown territory --and you're dinner.Then state your wish

Got it? Ill start in my next post....

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But he'll come alive at night and smack u with his hat!

I wish for a clown Balloon

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well.. you know what.. sometimes in the night the clown balloon will be a ghost clown who will eat whole house and may take your pet into the ghost-circus.. and your pet become his slave.. and you can never see her again!!

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they're all busted up and passed around...you don't want "sloppy seconds" from someone do you? =P

I wish for rainbow jelly 'cause it's sooo rare =)

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unfortunately....they smell like regular poo

what you said about the jukes is naughty! hahaha\

here's my second wish:

i wish for a shamrock lolly

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*Thread Moved To Forum Games Thread*

They turn out to be really old, fungus covered rocks carved into shamrocks

I wish for a Toaster

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dont u know toasters dont like bread? they will grab your hand as you go to grab the toast and never let go! lol

i wish for a pink jello

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Did you know that 99.9999998% of pink jellos are NOT PINK!!!

I wish for a thousand coins

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A thousand coins can be spent in less than a second! lol

i wish for Starry Night Lamp

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starry night lamp makes your pet see stars in the day, and cannot work at night. ...

i wish for a ghost sign

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the ghost sign will come alive and take over your pets body and use him to steal all the pets coins!

I wish for Cranberry Sauce congratulations

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Cranberry Sauce isn't really made out of cranberry's (use your dirtiest imagination what it is made out of...and you'll still be wrong) =P

I wish for scout shirt

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scout shirt will ruin ur life..once u wear it..ur stuck in it..things will come out from it and bite u all time!

i wish for a jellyfish!

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Jellyfish will sting you and you'll die...either quickly or a slooooow painful death...

I with for a Piggy =P

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piggy is mine!!!! and if u got a piggy, i will come and haunt u!^^ LOL besides piggy only follows me..wun folo other ppl~!! so dun even think of it!!

i wish for a origami hat!

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lol@above post

but then the laundry woman unfolds your origami hat and forgot how to put it back together! You don't know also, now you just have a piece of paper and no hat.

I wish for a royal cabinet! (this should be tricky)

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hmmm royal cabinet the wood will rot and scorpions and hairy spiders will crawl out from the rotten wood and bite your pet.. ... huh huh huh...

i wish for a .. ... ... admiral jacket

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admirals jacket sends u loopy and u walk around yelling, "I DONT KNOW WHAT IVE BEEN TOLD. ADMIRALS JACKET SHEILDS THE COLD, SOUND OFF 1 2"

I wish for a ruby tiara

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ruby tiara.. actually the stone on the tiara isn't made from a ruby.. it is made from a sacred stone.. don't know what the name lol.. that sacred stone will destroy your brain by juicing it and your head will explode..
i want umm.. gold skipping trophy that i will never get it Sad

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its not made of gold its made from an old cursed ore found only at the top of mount vesuvius, when you touch it, it wraps around you and squeezes you like a python til your eyes pop out!!!

I want a monster couch!

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the monster couch (although very cute with its blinking eye) it isn't real.....it is a mechanical couch which has little fleas blinking the eyes of it.

i wish for a princess swing

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a ghost scary princess will appear sometimes in that swings.. she is angry cuz you have her swing.. she will then steal the swing back and haunting you every friday night.. after 40 night, you will become a ghost too! and you can never back to this wonderful world.. remains on the hell..

i wish for santa throne!!

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penguin looks cute BUT they dun like u! they only love fish(i think) and u wan a penguin ..u have to be a fish! LOL..so dun even think of it!

i wish for a cranberry sauce!

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Cranberry Sauce rots your teeth and one by one they will all fall out and you will be completely toothless!!

I want a new room!

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But you can't escape the evil new room...your computer screen locks, your eyes remain open and your fingers start having a life of its own. You're now a slave to your new room and you are forced to watch yourself brush and feed pets 24/7 (with no bathroom breaks) just so you can completely fill the evil room with items. 1408 all over again.

I wish for a Playful Fish Shirt

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Once you put it on and want to change into some other clothes the fish on the shirt will turn into a shark and start eating its way thru you. You will never be able to take the shirt off.

I wish for an elegant chaise lounge

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It's not really elegant...it's made from leftover material found at the nuclear dump...so you'll die from being even near it...

I wish for the venus fly trap....

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The venus fly trap is actually a bubble blowing machine in disguise. It will blow a zillion bubbles which will fill your entire house and you'll be slithering and falling all over. The bubbles will then join to form a giant bubble which will engulf your entire house and fly away with it into the land of bubbles. LOL!

I wish for a Moroccan lamp

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the moroccan lamp is just a fancy name for a rusted old lamp, unfortunately is doesn't even work.

I wish for a monkey

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A monkey will eat all your bananas and pee in your bed

I wish for a Picnic Basket

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the picnic basket comes with its own food inside....unfortunately the food is out of date by about 2 years, and stinks.

I wish for some perfume bottles

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The perfume bottles contain insect pheremones and you will become a love trap for horny creepy crawlies!!

I wish for a set of jacks

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but the jacks sing Halloween songs every day and every minute of your life , they just won't stop!

i wish for a Rose Pot Plant

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but the rose pot plant grows huge spiky thorns and they chase you.

i wish for an elegant door

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but it's so elegant it dresses better than you!

i wish for a 2009! Cake

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Didn't you hear the 2009 cake was sent back from the future to kill Sara conor???? the 2009 is backwards

I really, really want a dancing daisy

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dancing daisy will dance all along the time. it will ask you for dancing with it but it just will never stop dancing with you until you die lol

i wish for dark kitchen cabinet

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the dark kitchen cabinet is exactly what it sounds like...its dark...if u reach inside it, it will gobble up and u will be forced to live with the pots and pans forever!

i will for a Cyclops couch

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the cyclops couch swallows you hole and the only thing remaining is ur eyeball.

i wish for a blooming bush

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Guest Guest
but the jellyfish belongs to evil spongebob squarepants.......

i wish for a juke!

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jwr wrote:
but the jellyfish belongs to evil spongebob squarepants.......

i wish for a juke!

but i didn't wish for a jellyfish??? i wished for a blooming bush?

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The blooming bush keeps blooming till it fills your entire house and throws you out.

I wish for a juke

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the juke is no good i brought one the other day and it plays crappy music that i have never heard before.

i wish for a princess cabinet

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only princess are allowed to have one princess cabinet!!
and ur not one!! so.....u cant have one! if u wan one...ppl will think u stole it..cause only princess own those cabinets! so if ur known as stealing, u will be sent to jail!!

I wish for a nerdy glasses!

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when u put the nerdy glasses on u can never take them off and they make ur teeth grow and grow!!
i wish for a jello xx

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angel.ljb wrote:
when u put the nerdy glasses on u can never take them off and they make ur teeth grow and grow!!
i wish for a jello xx

lol@glow, I AM A PRINCESS Mad

Jello's are not as they seem, as soon as u go to hug them they POP like blow fish, and u end up with pink slime all over you that doesn't wash off.

I wish for a lip couch

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haha !! =) princess...! LOL!!

hmmm lip couch @@! when u sit on it..the lips will open wide and eat u !! trust me ornot?! it really do! ^^

i wish for a guitar!

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