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Mixing yer Ale

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About a million years ago when pubs where proper with saw dust on the floors we would buy a pint of Manns brown split Half a Manns and half a bitter,Then there was the Larger top Larger with a lemonade top.
any more you can think off?What was black velvet Guiness & Vimto?

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down my local when i was 18, I use to have mixed bitters 1/2 old origanal & 1/2 tiger and towards the end of the evening 10.30 a gold watch chaser (scotch)

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In my day it was turbo-shandies... pint of stella, drink some, top up with smirnoff ice black thumbs

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black velvet was guiness and blackcurrent
chinese - bitter lager
lager top lager bottom lager splash all lager with a little lemonade
snake bite - cider and lager

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Can you still get old original

We did vodka black and russian =Iron maiden, was tasty

Which one had vimto mix?

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scrumpy with a shot of absynth drunken well it was new years eve

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light & bitter (always a bit more than a pint)

abbot and bottle of st edmunds thrown in (greene king pubs only)

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black velvet was guinness and cider but it was supposed to be guinness and champagne

agree and snakebite = lager and cider as per Jax

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Orange Juice and Lemonade..............I never could take my drink Laughing

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Well so long as i didnt miss out drinks when we owned the pub i would of made a good bit of profit

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ITCHY wrote:
Red Witch....Pernod ,blackcurrant and cider.

One of my personal favourites that Shocked

Black n Tan
Mild and bitter

used to have a pint of lager with blue curacao in at discos coz it glowed vom green under the UV lights.... sad but true

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@XS1100 wrote:
About a million years ago when pubs where proper with saw dust on the floors we would buy a pint of Manns brown split Half a Manns and half a bitter,Then there was the Larger top Larger with a lemonade top.
any more you can think off?What was black velvet Guiness & Vimto?

i'll take the blonde one. thumbs

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im sure shes been on isnt she filthy or something like guess her muff pint

i'll have to research into that. I may be some time

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Half of Home Ales mild with a bottle of barley wine thrown in on top for me when i was 18 Very Happy
i worked in biker pub then n everyone used to have random mixes but was cool cos as soon as u seen folks at bar u remembered what theres was thumbs

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Hi B, Barley wine forgot about that Gold Label as I recall tasty! strong as a beast to All these mixes need to be checked out me thinks!wile these long dark nights are here..... pint

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agree n yes Gold Label Very Happy
bet u wont find it in many places these days! just all those poncy alcopops lol Rolling Eyes

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Might have to go find some though a taste of the past Very Happy

1 hour Later now we are in the shiyt!

What do you do with this stuff swig it from the can pour in to a suitable Glass,mix it with a bottol of Owd Roger or go and wash the chain on the Bandit.I recon a couple of these at 8% is sure to wreck yer head. party

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Gonna swill it down in a bit wish me luck.B yours is in the fridge not for long though Laughing

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mix it with half o mild n ull be alrite lol! Shocked .........let me know the results haha ! thumbs

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Now finding Any Mild would be a chalange,I was Mild drinker a thousand years ago....

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