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(_!_) A regular arse

(__!__) A fat arse

(!) A tight arse

(_*_) An arsehole

(_O_) An arse thats been around

(_x_) Kiss my arse

(_X_) Leave my arse alone

(_zzz_) A tired arse

(_E=mc2_) A smart arse

(_$_) Money coming out of his arse

(_?_) A dumb arse

(_#_) A fucked up arse

(_._) Tight as a crabs arse

(_ scratch _) An itchy arse

(_ smack _) A smacked arse

(_ food _) A hungry arse

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Guest Guest

Way way to much time on your hands, funn though Laughing

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ITCHY wrote:
(_ scratch _) An itchy arse


He's scratching hence itchy arse, couldn't think of anything better

PS. no pun intended at you Itchy

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PS. no pun intended at you Itchy

I was takin the P, no offence taken matey.

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I know mate, no offence taken here.

This is gonna go on for years to come. lol

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