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forum wars!!!!!

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I'm Gonna find more time to visit this forum. You've done a good job Dave well done!

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I can't believe this thread is still going, two different forums covering different bikes ( as in single or multiple makes) There really is nothing to compare, IMHO both are excellent sites Very Happy

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ITCHY wrote:
I can't believe this thread is still going, two different forums covering different bikes ( as in single or multiple makes) There really is nothing to compare, IMHO both are excellent sites Very Happy

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ITCHY wrote:
I can't believe this thread is still going, two different forums covering different bikes ( as in single or multiple makes) There really is nothing to compare, IMHO both are excellent sites Very Happy

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Used to really get on with people on the BF. However, people left and new people joined. A few of these people like to button-push etc. and after about a week of constant arguing and baiting it's seemed pointless for me to stay - all things to do with biking i do because i want to enjoy... Wink

The current mod team do a great job though, and must have the patience of saints to read through some of the handbag-swinging that gets posted on there every day. The technical help side of the forum was also first class.

I think it all boils down to forums are what the people make of them thumbs

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i'll say this and only say it once.. All forums are different, all are good for different things, and if there's something that should never be mentioned on a forum, then that is POLITICS!! its opening up a can of worms, so keep that hush hush, let people make there own choices and everything will be hunky dory! Oh and not having a go josh but, every post mentioning HG or the full word gets very Very VEry VERy VERY! annoying thumbs which would be another reason people on the bandit forum get a bit augmentative

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for me its here.

enjoy both, but not such a poster like i used to be on bf. its more technical there now, so great for info, and tips on bandits, and do have a laugth there.

But this forum is so friendly and just a total laugh. but then if something is serious they can be thumbs

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@fr499y wrote:
every post mentioning HG or the full word gets very Very VEry VERy VERY! annoying thumbs which would be another reason people on the bandit forum get a bit augmentative

Not sure that ever happened mate...

As far as im concerned everyone does things that others find annoying, its up to everyone to try and have a bit of tolerance and try to get on for the good of everyone. Hell, if i flew off the handle at everything people do that annoy ne, i'd never get out of bed in the morning... thumbs

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That was my initial reaction Itchy, but the fact is a lot of women can feel threatened by the machismo and tech talk on some bike forums. Not all of them are as touchy feely and utterly nice as this one. Feel the love! Very Happy

i personly feel very threatened by anything relating to tek talk or bike maintanence. it implies that at some point i may well have to do some actual work and get my hands sirty. a truly terifying prospect.

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One of the best forums I belong to has and a couple of really strict points they adhere to: All political and religious posts are locked as soon as they are posted. It seems to work.

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I hate this forum its rubbish,

Love and peace man xx I love you one love I love younew hererain

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so dave broke the other forum in a fit of anger then? we all know its true! bad dave, thats a very bad dave!

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@airlock wrote:
so dave broke the other forum in a fit of anger then? we all know its true! bad dave, thats a very bad dave!
although I have nothing to do with that forum anymore ,dont even have a account there , I have offered my help to them both , but dont think they want it Huh

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i've done the same dave, dont worry, focus on the better one of the two Laughingthumbs

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Go on bf once in a blue moon this is HOME for me, I like all the people on ere and you can ave a laugh with no one getting the hump. Mods you are doing a great job keep it up thumbsthumbsthumbs

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Go on bf once in a blue moon this is HOME for me, I like all the people on ere and you can ave a laugh with no one getting the hump. Mods you are doing a great job keep it up thumbsthumbsthumbs

same i post more crap in the shoutbox than the actual forum, never tend to look inside just keep an eye on my private messages from different bits

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Go on bf once in a blue moon this is HOME for me, I like all the people on ere and you can ave a laugh with no one getting the hump. Mods you are doing a great job keep it up thumbsthumbsthumbs

same i post more crap in the shoutbox than the actual forum, never tend to look inside just keep an eye on my private messages from different bits

I'm the same chad but don't even go in the shoutbox, jus check me pm's to keep up wiv people i ave met

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Go on bf once in a blue moon this is HOME for me, I like all the people on ere and you can ave a laugh with no one getting the hump. Mods you are doing a great job keep it up thumbsthumbsthumbs

same i post more crap in the shoutbox than the actual forum, never tend to look inside just keep an eye on my private messages from different bits

I'm the same chad but don't even go in the shoutbox, jus check me pm's to keep up wiv people i ave met

yep. or buying/selling, like ive emailed bout a restriction kit for ash

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