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Tax thefts to many

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capital gains tax on property theft!

Fuel Duty 1.37 a liter Diesel theft!

VAT 20% theft
The list gose on and on
I getting sick of it all now,starting to get board.

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well we need to pay more tax to keep the poor scrotes in drugs and alcahol, you wouldn't expect them to work would you?!

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Will the last person to leave the country please turn the lights off

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@peejay wrote:
Will the last person to leave the country please turn the lights off

how will they see to claim their giro's

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We've collectively lived beyond our means for a good few years in Bliar & Brown's never never land of milk and honey, where houses cost five times the average salary. Now it's time to pay. No escape, get used to it. Smile

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laugh at the fact everyone blames it on the unemployed.............

try the government

, im a gray area, im not employed nor unemployed ,
but ive worked all my life until 12 yrs ago.

and i dont mind turning the lights off as i leave, lololol

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Guest Guest
Definitely the government and their shit decision making. Why do people blame the unemployed? I still have to pay taxes on fuel, food etc just LIKE THE REST OF YOU and I worked for years. If the government hadn't fubard this country into a major recession, I'd be able to get a job instead of sitting at home all day on the internet!

Even immigrants pay taxes... the illegal ones don't.

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Urr I think it might of been the banks being greedy that got the country in the shit, I for one think they should pay back the billions and if they go bust then that is hard luck, why should the tax payer pay for there risk taking with OUR money ???

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