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The Lord giveth.......

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.....and the Lord taketh away. Finally got some work in, making a bit of money, thinking about another bike maybe, so the ****ing car had to blow the head gasket didn't it! I really ought to get something newer so my Sprint/VFR may have to wait a little longer. SadSad

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Bad news m8
but if you will own cars
sorry Embarassed the voices made me type it

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It's the wife's car really Neill. I was happily barrelling along the B4116 near Twycross when it happened. Sad

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It's the wife's car really Neill. I was happily barrelling along the B4116 near Twycross when it happened. Sad
Wifes car wifes bill Laughinghide

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@Stue11 wrote:
It's the wife's car really Neill. I was happily barrelling along the B4116 near Twycross when it happened. Sad
Wifes car wifes bill Laughinghide

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