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car insurance tips

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Anyone have any tips to get cheaper insurance.

I'm going on dads, but he will use car on nights so its still valid, but its still 1500, cheapest. Yet friends in Wales its 920 on their own policy, I just can't figure it.

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I know my daughters b/f's first insurance was reduced by about £400 when he did the "pass plus" ? i think it was called.Its a one day motorway course.That was 3 years ago so not sure if the discount still applies.Worth looking into thumbs

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Pass Plus is b------sed now because of bent instructors completing the documents without providing training, taking half the money (or more) signing off the student and the certificate arrives.

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Most companies have gotten wise to the 'named driver' thing, as well as (nearly all of them) removing the extension to drive another car owned by someone else until you hit 21/25.

The friend in Wales may have a much more insurance-friendly postcode, but short of moving there is not a lot you can do about that.

Occupation can have a big bearing on it, Daughter's went down lots when she stopped being a student and started working full time, then went up lots when she went to work in a restaurant.

Lowering the annual mileage may help, but IME that's fairly marginal.

For reference, daughter's first car insurance was £1100 on a 1 litre Citoren AX and the lad's was £1500 on the same car. The Pass Plus scheme may well help, but check with your potential insurer first, as we found that the ones that did offer discounts were still dearer than the low quotes.

Have you already got the car, or is it possible to find a more insurance friendly model?

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haha!!!! means your old enough to be my dad rich affraid

and no i dont have a car yet trying to find something i can insure. found one for £1450 now, tis a van this time. i dont mind paying a grand, but anything more i just cant justify it.

and im legally going on dads, as ill only be using the car 15 hours a week for college, but dad does 24 hours of knight shifts. so he is main user. and yeh im a student that doesnt help.

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Recently shelled out nearly 1900 quid for my daughter on my insurance, basically these companys have young drivers by the short and curlys and the robbing bas censored take full advantage of it...

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Feel for ya chad,there aint a right lot you can do

sister-inlaw has just paid £4000.00 to insure her daughters suzuki swift

ok yeah its an 08 plate and she has just passed her test,but I think its bang out of order

just because your young it doesnt mean,your going to drive like an idiot

what type of cars have you been getting quotes for?

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Everything lee, its 4400 to insure a ka ffs
must be your area then,when I had my xr3i many moons ago

I registerd it at my sisters,and changed my address on me licence to her house

so I could afford to insure it,as her post code area made it cheaper to insure

not that would condone this now I have grown up LaughingLaughing

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At this time of year they put a winter load on the insurance higher risk,Spring time is a better time for quotes. Sad

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Best way is bite the bullet and go on your own insurance and in the long term it will go down and work cheaper in the long run. thumbs

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@day101 wrote:
Best way is bite the bullet and go on your own insurance and in the long term it will go down and work cheaper in the long run. thumbs


Two other old ways to facilitate legal but cheaper insurance insurance were:
1)look at trade policies. I got a 'part-time trade - no premises' policy which let me drive owt worth upto £40K on a TPFT basis and was £150 cheaper than just insuring my 1.6 Mk.3 Escort at the time.

2) Buy something that you can get classic or specialist insurance on. I once had a Land Rover Safari thing that was about £300 a year if done through the owners club.

I dare say that these also have 'no under 25' limits on them these days, as they were fairly common exploits.

Not sure that commercials are *always* cheaper though Chad. Small child is now paying about £700 in a 1.8 Focus Zetec, but to have him as a named driver on a dog slow old diesel Transit would cost upwards of 2 grand if it was before he was 21.

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@lee wrote:
5500 for a ka. reason being it is cheap but it is fully comp only! when ill probs go 3rd only as wana get no claims up really, and if i break the car will only be a bandger i wont give a dam about.

still looks like bandits guna be dragged through the winter
oh well chad was worth a try

but this might work,just buy old bangers dont get any insureance,then when you get pulled just say I speak no english stand there looking dumb LaughingLaughingLaughing

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