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What bikes this apart from a double knocker!

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I have seen these bike before, when you start them up, they sound like a 2 stroke, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag. and dont open the throttle as they make a whining sound

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Very Happy
@cpt_pants wrote:
I have seen these bike before, when you start them up, they sound like a 2 stroke, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag. and dont open the throttle as they make a whining sound

Nag nag whine whine just like my wife tonight fighting

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Very Happy
@cpt_pants wrote:
I have seen these bike before, when you start them up, they sound like a 2 stroke, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag. and dont open the throttle as they make a whining sound

Nag nag whine whine just like my wife tonight fighting

Lol, Mine was out when I wrote it. But she left me the trousers. Very Happy

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@dick65 wrote:
a naked bike thumbs

Is that what they mean by mass centralization? Does Rossi know about it. May help his corner ENTRY problems!!! fofl

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