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Bandit forum

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Hi. anyone here had problems with the bf all I get is picture of a gob with a syringe through the tongue and the script Southranda was here

any ideas

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its been hacked, by the look off it its quite a common one on forums.

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just a group that go around finding loopholes and exploiting them... you wait, they will be attacking forumotion soon enough lol. Suprised there still going and doing that shit tbf Shocked

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i wouldnt worry.. you will find most of them being hacked are phpBB, SMF etc. PunBB, invision, and the 'better' forum scripts are a little better when it comes to security loop holes.. Mind you, did tell bandit forum ages ago about things they need to do and that i could help.. ah well thumbs

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@fr499y wrote:
i wouldnt worry.. you will find most of them being hacked are phpBB, SMF etc. PunBB, invision, and the 'better' forum scripts are a little better when it comes to security loop holes.. Mind you, did tell bandit forum ages ago about things they need to do and that i could help.. ah well thumbs

afraid its a foreign language to me matt Laughingthumbs

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let ya in on a little secret Wink its only just happened and theres no information on who/why and how the sites been done hehe. Strange tbf.. its not even on the list of sites hacked by southranda... oo ang on..

Total notifications: 811 of which 242 single ip and 569 mass defacements

H - Homepage defacement
M - Mass defacement (click to view all defacements of this IP)
R - Redefacement (click to view all defacements of this site)
L - IP address location

Banditfourm is down as a H, its only the home page thats been done, basically if they got a backup of the forum, just upload the index.php file and bobs ya uncle Smile

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Basically in simple terms, the forum script they use only has one page that does the handling, Index.php.. if that page is hacked, the whole forum is not view able. where as on this forum script, each post/topic has its own ID ( aka this one is topic ID: 4592, and the code basically calls t(topic)=id(4592) if i remember correctly, the id is a table on the mysql database thumbs So if the index.php page is exploited on here, you can still browse the forum by pointing to a link like /calender and then clicking the topics on the side bar to browse the forum

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@fr499y wrote:
let ya in on a little secret Wink its only just happened and theres no information on who/why and how the sites been done hehe. Strange tbf.. its not even on the list of sites hacked by southranda... oo ang on..

Total notifications: 811 of which 242 single ip and 569 mass defacements

H - Homepage defacement
M - Mass defacement (click to view all defacements of this IP)
R - Redefacement (click to view all defacements of this site)
L - IP address location

Banditfourm is down as a H, its only the home page thats been done, basically if they got a backup of the forum, just upload the index.php file and bobs ya uncle Smile

not really a secret , the info is available on zone H

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yeah the info on what the deface etc is, but more info isnt. My mate is a bit of a nob when it comes to these things, DDOS and shit. could find out more why its been done, but my guess is they just found a exploit on the site and took there chance ( index.php page being the only page ) TBF i dont see what they get out of doing it except pissing a lot of people off.. my site hasnt been done for a while, but then again my host/mate did go a little loolahh about it last time :S If any of them have a clue and have ftp access, the site will be back up within no time.. but hey, we will see thumbsLaughing

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ITCHY wrote:
I must be getting old head banghead banghead banghead bang

We'll start our own "know-nowt" club Rich cos its all gobbledy gook to me too! Sad
Shame about the BF, hope its sorted soon but i'm just as happy here thumbs

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Been on and some t--t appears with a syringe through her tongue. Bastards need executing. I volunteer to open the trap, or pick axe through their skull(s)

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@dick65 wrote:
i ride a yamaha,dont use it.

Hooooooooooo! Posh Northern person Very Happy so do I and mine as a shaft so there! thumbs and to be honest the build quality its far superior imo

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@XS1100 wrote:
@dick65 wrote:
i ride a yamaha,dont use it.

Hooooooooooo! Posh Northern person Very Happy so do I and mine as a shaft so there! thumbs and to be honest the build quality its far superior imo

i didnt like to rub it in gaz foflfofl

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Why do people do things like that they are such censored , aint they got nothing better to do, agree with Ken head banghead bang
agree just sad little censored with nothing better to do

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