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Stue's and Trebors little meet ;)

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Heres a pic of our little meet up last sunday...lets just say the weather was shocking but to also prove i do get me baby wet from time to time LaughingLaughing
From left of pic to right Trebor, meself, Nina, Pike, Andy,wifey, and last but least Bill Bailey as some off you may know from of the tv thumbs

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That's a cracking pic stue, despite the weather it was a good meet up and we all had a smile on our faces, thumbs

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should have come southern meet then, it was nice and dry Laughingthumbs

all jokeing side nice one, good to see you get out Very Happy

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Good pic mate thumbsthumbs Just can't believe you allowed it to rain while the Rizla was out thumbsShockedLaughingthumbs

Why has this posted twice??? scratchscratchscratch

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Good pic mate thumbsthumbs Just can't believe you allowed it to rain while the Rizla was out thumbsShockedLaughingthumbs

Why has this posted twice??? scratchscratchscratch
Contact lenses Mike hide

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Great picture! thumbs Who took it? or was it camera on the floor and leg it to get back to the group before it went click! lol!thumbs

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Gotta be someone who's quick to compose themselves under pressure........Hmn!
someone who's fit and light on their feet!
and someone at the side of the picture! (probably left) am I getting close? Laughing

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nice to see you's got out,is that a deserted garage only spotted the no smoking sign and the tumbleweed in the foreground.

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Gotta be someone who's quick to compose themselves under pressure........Hmn!
someone who's fit and light on their feet!
and someone at the side of the picture! (probably left) am I getting close? Laughing

Very Happy
Believe it or not it was Andy, third from the right.... But I like the fit and light on his feet for the dodgy lokin dude on the far left, thumbs

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@madcarper wrote:
nice to see you's got out,is that a deserted garage only spotted the no smoking sign and the tumbleweed in the foreground.
Yea believe or not a petrol station closing down on a busy main road with a bikers cafe next door with 100's of bikes fueling every weekend, Shockedthumbs

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