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okay long story but im bit ticked now!

james' neighbour has had arguments with us, because we have the bikes! saying were loud, threataning and so on, yest my bikes loud but i dont sit there and rev it, and those who have met me i dont look very threatening!!

well he has pinned james against the wall drunk and attacked his aunt. after his last rant the police payed him a visit, and he aled down a bit.

however the other day i was doing paint work around james' house, i reversed my car on the side of his drive to load the compressor etc up, and poped into the garden for 5 mins. my front left tyre was facing the bottom of his drive, i moved the car and it ddi not feel right looked and my tyre was flat, yet when i put it there it was fine, i had a hole in the tyre, but funnily on the side! massive hole, and you could see what looked like a phillips screwdriver had been there from the shape, funnily enought the arseh@le was in his front garden playing with something.

no proof but i think its obvious, quiet little road no one about but him! with i could do something but then il get in the poop!

heres the damages Sad

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Put a picture of me and me brothers through his letterbox and tell him were angryangrythumbs

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lol, you ever come down this way stue getting a hit list now. someone drive into my car today pulling out on roundabout, and then drive off, got her reg, went to police no damage, but theyve seen her but their not doing anything as no injury etc! not fact that she sped off as quick as possible

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FFS Chad do you live in Beiruit or have you just walked under a lot of ladders whilst smashing mirrors? Laughing

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@Macie_UK wrote:
FFS Chad do you live in Beiruit or have you just walked under a lot of ladders whilst smashing mirrors? Laughing

Feels that way. Flat broke, college being pain, sorting paint job outs failing. These random things. Getting bit fed up lol

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What we'll have to do is get a photo of a few of us, maybe Stue, his brothers, Stan, me, Luke and Pike and market ourselves as "Forum Problem Resolution". Should manage to cure most things ShockedLaughingthumbs

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What we'll have to do is get a photo of a few of us, maybe Stue, his brothers, Stan, me, Luke and Pike and market ourselves as "Forum Problem Resolution". Should manage to cure most things ShockedLaughingthumbs

pop round you can have ago if you wish ....at mending my fookin washing machine , effiin things doing my head in. Sad

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@jezza wrote:
What we'll have to do is get a photo of a few of us, maybe Stue, his brothers, Stan, me, Luke and Pike and market ourselves as "Forum Problem Resolution". Should manage to cure most things ShockedLaughingthumbs

pop round you can have ago if you wish ....at mending my fookin washing machine , effiin things doing my head in. Sad

Depends whether you want the insurance claim where it was "dropped while being moved"!?!! ShockedShockedthumbs

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