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any washing machine repair people out there

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I have a Beko wme7247wwashing machine thats developed a fault.

last night we noticed the washing was still soaking , so i presumed the filter was clogged . I've cleaned this and checked the hose for blockage and all seemed clear .
i've now tried to drain and spin the washing however all that happens is you can hear the pump to drain click in then click off and then nothing , the programme seems stuck at 18 mins to cycle end.
I then cancelled this programme and reset to a quick wash cycle , all this does is fills the drum with water then the programme sticks at 37 min to end of cycle and does no more.
any more ideas , washing repair man wants 45 quid before opening the back up.

I'm now getting fed up with my white goods going wrong , so far injust over three years I've had a tumble dryer , two cookers and i shall now be on my third washing machine if I can't repair it ,all seem to go wrong once the warranty runs out (is there a fookin magic switch thats activated once the warranty expires). angry

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i had to turn mine up side down , and the take the main pipe of from the pump . found a bra pad in the pipe ,

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the bearings went in ours and covered the clothes in oil another time we woke to a flooded kitchen censored

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Have you check't that there is nothing jaming the pump wheel coz it sounds like that. sometimes you can see the wheel if you open the filter and look in the bottom of the filter(looks like a wheel with probably 4 wings ).

Cheers Maveric

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@maveric wrote:
Have you check't that there is nothing jaming the pump wheel coz it sounds like that. sometimes you can see the wheel if you open the filter and look in the bottom of the filter(looks like a wheel with probably 4 wings ).

Cheers Maveric

i've checked that , I can insert my fingers in and rotate the impeller , if i set the washing machine to drain the water in the drum will drain/pump away.

the problem seems to be the drum motor not kicking into action so i'm going to change the brushes and see what happens .

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@Robbie wrote:
Good idea you have there with checking the motor brushes. thumbsthumbsthumbsthumbsLaughing

hopefully , wait until the brushes arrive and fitted.

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@jezza wrote:
@maveric wrote:
Have you check't that there is nothing jaming the pump wheel coz it sounds like that. sometimes you can see the wheel if you open the filter and look in the bottom of the filter(looks like a wheel with probably 4 wings ).

Cheers Maveric

i've checked that , I can insert my fingers in and rotate the impeller , if i set the washing machine to drain the water in the drum will drain/pump away.

the problem seems to be the drum motor not kicking into action so i'm going to change the brushes and see what happens .

Ok mate i think i miss understood that you not got the water out Embarassed .

But as you describe it i think it's most certanly the brushes that's worn out, when you disconnect them check the collector (the surface on the spinning part of the motor) so you dont have any burnmarks on it and that all segments is in the same hight if you now what i mean Smile . This is a wery common problem on washing machines with brushes ,often starts with it not spinns fast and sometimes you can hear a electrical sparkeling noise Shocked . if you have a fine sandpaper you can gently give the collector a better surface and the blow it clean with air.

Cheers Maveric

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