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so what you doing with your bank holiday Monday ?

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Im taking the lad home in a bit as he wants to go out with his mates on his new stunt scooter I got him so that's him sorted but Im £170.00 lighter Sad

then Im off to raid me piggy bank Laughing sod off out on the bike thumbs

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Just having a late breakfast before I go up to work. Need to clear some stuff before another big order arrives tomorrow. I'll take the ZZR & maybe sneak off this afternoon. Laughing

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Not a lot planned eithet might get sloshed again lol.

And I will have a few for u dave lol.

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trying to shake off me hangover Sad
not a lot planned as the rains arriving shortly, went up hartside yeasterday so had me biking fix then i went out with our lad on the push bikes around the resevoir thumbs

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might take rad and carbs off the zed dunno though bit pissed off with it at the moment,got some jobs to do around the house but I can,t seem to get motivated so I may just laze about all day. but then I always chastise myself for wasting a day. confused

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