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Bl**dy windy

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Hope everyone is okay cos its pretty bad here in the N/East affraid  If your bike is your only means of transport take care cos there is debris everywhere. Think we might get a couple of tiles off before it peaks Sad 

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yeah hope everyones ok, pretty bad in Cumbria as well theres not a chance of me working today Sad  went outside for a fag this morning and nearly did a mary poppins Laughing  heard the wind reached 140 mph on rannock moor Shocked 

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we get it light in the south east, but still had two power cuts!

watch out for the tidal surge later chad

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@Davehutch wrote:
@dick65 wrote:
we get it light in the south east, but still had two power cuts!

watch out for the tidal surge later chad
I recon it will wash Chad right up to the lakes dick
if it does it might do him good been up north turn him into a man Laughing Laughing 

Been very windy here not much work today,then some guy dropped his xjr off for test Shocked 

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Was up on site yesterday morning and the rain was practically horizontal rain2  Then the garage opposite had to call the fire brigade as the roof of the forecourt was starting to lose some panels. The company who had only repaired the roof last Saturday had a four hour call out. The owner decided that he couldn't wait that long, given he's next to a busy road, so had to call out the fire brigade to make it safe.

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We lost at least 20 cars to flood damage last at work. Luckily I took the bm and not the peugeot. The door seals on the bm kept the water out but every other car in the car park got flooded inside.. its been a shit 24hrs as work just f****d them off.censored 

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