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Prayer for New Job

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Can everyone please pray, I am asking God for a new job, more money and benefits an a job near my home, I know I just started this job about 2 months BUT I am not being paid on time and company gave me a check and it bounce which mess up my account , and I am tired of working all 3 shifts I never get enough rest, And the boss that I have only wants me to be a supervisor when everything is a mess or when she wants me to talk to the employees when they mess up , I thank God for this job, especially since I have not worked in 9 mos, But I am spirtually tired. I am feeling REAL DOWN sometimes. Its is getting to be to much
My son is in college and I have not visit him since August and I want to support him and be able see his games and not just see my son on television running across a football field in college. I want to be there

It really hurts me, crying

God Bless Yall

Dreamer crying

PS: Oh Ya and off on weekends

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We lift up our friend Dreamer to you today Lord and thank you that you have ordained his steps. We thank you Lord that he is where you want him right now. Father we know that you will fight the battle on our behalf if we give it over to you.....we are giving this to you right now.....Father, Dreamer in his own power cannot do what needs to be done here to insure he is paid on time and that the checks don't bounce. He can't control that when that happens it messes with his bank account and that they expect him to take the heat for that or that he is being run ragged and time off seems to escape him on the weekends. Father we know that this is an attack of the enemy.....We come against that spirit of confusion, poverty, lack, discord and bind it in the name of Jesus and render it useless and void, we sever it ties to Dreamer or his employer, we bind it from physical manifestation or spiritual manifestation and cancel all its assignments. Father we ask that you would restore this situation and we thank you Lord that you will do it at exactly the right time because you are never late and never early. Father thank you that we hold no grudge against this employer for we know that the battle waged here is not of the flesh but of the spiritual realm and the people are but mere vessels. Father we forgive any unkind act toward Dreamer and speak a blessing over all parties involved. Father thank you for hearing and answering our prayers.

We give you all the glory and the praise!

your servant,

Connie praying praying praying

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I'm in agreement with Connies prayer!!! I have a son leaving for college in January so I can be touched by your situation.


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Connie and Cholette

You guys know I am working 11pm to 7am, I cannot even type from crying You both do not have any idea, what your prayers mean to me. I have been real down. I Thank the Lord for Yall, I know we have not meet, But I know God place this Forum in my life, so that I and others can be encouraged

Cholette I am happy that your son is leaving for college Congratulations ,
May God Bless you and Your Family,

Connie thanks for the prayers AKA Encourager

Dreamer :PTL:

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