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my daughter and son inl aw

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Hello everyone.

I would like to ask for prayer for my daughter and her husband. They have been seperated for a year.They have a little boy Julius (grandmas boy ) They were not ready to get married and after a couple years he just shut down. He would not keep a job, and was lying to her all the time. They were evicted because he hadn't paid the rent in 5 months. But all along he was telling her it was taken care of. His parents paid the pass due and made him get a job, and he let it go again until she moved out. She hasn't handled things the best either. They get along great as long as they are not talking about life issues.( finances mainly) She has been supporting there son and doing well. She really got on her feet, paid off pass due bills and is moving forward in a responsible way. He is suppose to pay child support but will not . Even after attending a meeting with her and having it court ordered. He said he would and she thought maybe things where turning around but ? He is a good Dad other being irresponsible, very imature. I really want there marraige to work out. I'm affraid he will get arrested because he is not paying. There are still alot of bitterness on my daughters part. She now has trust issues with him. They will have alot to overcome. They are both believers, but I have to say not pressing into the Lord or seeking Him. I know God can turn this around HE is able. So please join me in praying. I do covet your prayers.
Christal praying

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as far as you know was there any adultry committed on either side? I know this is a strange question to be asking but I am going some where with this...

also, how old is your daughter and son-n-law?

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No. I don't believe so. He was always home, and she was either at work or at my house alot of the time. He just turned 24 and she is 23. Married almost 4 years. Also I have kept a open relationship with him, from the very beginning. He knows what he has done, he told me how sorry he was for not doing what he promised at the alter. It's frustrating.

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I can imagine you stand point, the reason I was asking, is when I was married to my first husband....my mom had an open relationship with him also,

she even told him that I would change my mind when I really figured out that I missed him. The only problem with that is that I really didn't love him that way.....

which caused some hard feelings toward her for a while. It took a year or so to come out of that because I felt like my mother had betrayed me. Sometimes, we step in the middle of things when we as parents shouldn't...not saying anything mean.....if she is doing good and on her feet, let's me know that she is happier without him.

I had 2 very young children when my husband pulled the same junk on me, I found out I didn't need him because I made it on my own. But by leaving an open door for him, it has cause my son and daughter a lot of pain as they got older. He lies to them, he doesn't show up most of the time, he wants to take them around dope heads and drunks, they are constatnly cursing around the kids etc.....It seriously sounds like they are unequally yoked.......I would pray that God's will be done in this situation, whatever that maybe...I will be praying for your daughter and this whole situation with all of my heart and that is a promise to you Cristal....however, I hope that you understand I have not meant any disrespect in anyway toward you or your family...

Father God,
in the name of Jesus, I pray..Father, I ask you to interveine in this family. Father, I know how this looks but I am calling upon your solution to this situation. Father, I ask that you comfort Cristal through all of this.I speak peace upon her in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask you for your will be done in this marriage. I feel like there is something that lies when Cristal's daughter that hasn't came forth yet. Father, that is why I am bringing this family before you right now. Father, I ask that your arm be revealed in all of this and I humbly ask for eyes to be opened, hearts to be healed, peace to remain in all of their hearts. I rely Father upon your word, and now I am asking you for Your word on this matter. Father, I now leave it in your hands and I fully know and believe you will be moving in all of these people's lives. I thank you, Father for always hearing my prayers, I thank you for moving mightily within this family. I thank you for the healing that needs to take place and for Your love to be strong within them all....

In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!!!

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Thank you sweetie,
I did not take offense in anyway . You are sharing your heart and insite in this situation. Thanks for the heart felt prayer. kiss


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