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Discussion on 1st Kings

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Hello All

Over the past week I have been sensing the Holy Spirit directing me to study about Elijah and Elisha. It started with a security guard on my job asking me about the king Ahab. This particular security guard has never asked me about anything relating to the bible. Usually just good morning/evening. I told him about Ahab and for some reason he wanted to compare himself to this king relating it to why he and his foster brother are treated differently(the foster brother being the favored one) and he is newly saved. I was able to witness to him and he seemed to have felt better about the situation and I moved on from there. Over the past week I cannot stop hearing Elijah and Elisha and mantles. I was wondering if anyone would like to have a discussion about 1st Kings starting with chapter 16 verse 29 as well as anything you may have heard regarding to how any of the bible verses may relate to today's times or prophetic moves in this season. Looking forward to hearing from you. I would like to say that I am open to hear whatever anyone has to add. I would just like to add that we remain mindful of any things written that may be considered or boldly stated as prophetic to keep with the rules of the owner/moderators. God Bless you all and I hope to hear from you. I am just a child of God seeking him in his word and kingdom fellowship. thumbs

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Hi Andrea, I don't know much about this but I do know that Elijah was a prophet of God and I know that the mantle that he wore had supernatural power (annointing) in it I think because he had God's annointing on him. I was looking for the meaning of the world mantle on the internet and I came across this significant definition "mantle is the cloak as a symbol of authority; "place the mantle of authority on younger shoulders" So in otherwords Elijah had God given authority because he was a true man of God. Now I know that Elijah became depressed because Jezebel threaten to kill him and God gave him specific instructions one of which was that Elijah was to annoint Elisha to be a prophet. Now when Elijah saw Elisha he threw his mantle on him I think symbolizing that God's prophet authority was being placed on him. I think Elisha was able to move with a lot of power after the death of Elijah because he asked Elijah for a double portion of his spirit. Elijah stated he would get his wish if he saw him being taken away into heaven. Well Elisha saw Elijah being taken away into heaven so his desire was granted, of importance to remember is that Elijah mantle fell on the ground near Elisha when he was taken away. Then Elisha took Elijah mantle and he came upon the Jordan river and he used the mantle and I think he hit the river (I think, if I am wrong please let me know) and the river parted and Elijah was able to walk across the river without getting wet. So the mantle of Elijah was passed on to Elisha.

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Hi Butterfly

Thanks for your input. The part you wrote about Elijah's mantle falling to the ground really helped to open up my understanding about a few words I heard about Elijah taking his anointing to his grave rather than passing it on. Kinda makes me go hmmm.....

Thanks again

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Hi Andrea1. The mantle has a very great signficance and importance. I don't know how to explain it exactly but I have heard God putting on someone the mantle of praise etc so perhaps the mantle nowadays is a spiritual mantle that God places on persons in the body of Christ. Elijah's mantle was a mantle of prophecy, he was a prophet, that was his calling. Also for Elisha although he had a prophetic calling on his life I believed that before he could move into that calling he needed a time of training and preparation which I believed he got from walking with Elijah and being his support and learning from Elijah. Because he was faithful in helping Elijah and he was ready to move into God's calling on his life God gave him a double portion of Elijah's spirit when Elijah departed from the earth.

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Hi, Andrea and Butterfly.

I've read a Bible commentary that compared Elisha's parting of the sea to the time when Moses parted the Red Sea.


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There is no mentioning of the geneology of Elijah. Nothing is mentioned about his parents, siblings...nothing. It's almost as if he just appeared on the scene. God said He was going to send a prophet and his name is Elijah...he would cause the hearts of the children back to their father and the hearts of the father back to their children (Malachi).

Elijah was a powerful prophet. What ever came out of his mouth...happened just the way he spoke it. He said (paraprasing), "It's not gonna rain until I say it's going to rain". And it didn't. While he was on the mountain he told the armies of men that the was sent to bring him to the king (to be killed) what would happen to them if they even tried. Needless to say they tried; he spoke a word and they all died. Every last one of them. He didn't move from that mountain until God released him too. Then he allowed them to take him to the king. He told the king that he would die in the bed he lay in and the king died.

Elijah was very bold. He meant what he said because he trusted in God. God took care of him at all times even when he was in fear of Jezebel. God reminded him of all He had spoken to him.

Wait...I have to step away for about an hour but I will finish this up. There is so much about Elijah and the mantle that it will blow your mind!

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