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I need another witness to my dream

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I posted a dream naked/crawling and house burning. I received a response that I would like another witness to. I don't know how you all respond to this request but although the response from mldarrell did not agree with my spirit because in the dream I felt violated... The person that posted a response to my dream said that I was doing something that was not right and that I would be exposed and etc. I am trying to fit in...I am not trying to fit in with anyone... I am trying to please God by staying on a job that is tormenting me-teaching. Anyway without going in so much, please read and witness. Thank you

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Hi, iamfree.
If someone's response does not agree with your spirit, it might be an incorrect interpretation. "The person that posted a response to my dream said that I was doing something that was not right and that I would be exposed and etc. I am trying to fit in.." - This sounds judgemental and definitely not upbuilding.

In what ways is teaching a torment to you? Maybe I can help because I am a teacher also.

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I have been doing this for almost 20 years. It is not fulfilling for me. I have been threatened. I dread going into the job. I am not the kind of person that is just going and not doing my job- I do the job to the best of my ability. I cry almost every morning because it is so unfulfilling. Many have suggested that I teach a different age group, but I no longer want to teach children. I feel like such a failure. I have been going through this for years, and I feel terrible because I should be grateful I have a job. I would never mistreat a child or not do my job, but the abuse we take from administrators and parents is just not fair. For years I have wanted to leave, but I wonder if God is telling me I should leave? Is my light gone out? I know that as teachers we get burned out easily...but it is not a passion for me, I don't desire to do it...Idon't feel fruitful. I don't wake up saying -yeaahhh!!!! I wake up crying. Now I know that it sould like I am complaining. I should be grateful..........right. That's why I feel so bad. crying

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Hi, Iamfree.
I hope things are going better. I didn't see this post until today. Sorry I didn't respond sooner. I understand about unfair administrators and sometimes parents and unruly student behaviors. Sometimes the deck is stacked against you. I believe that you give your best to your students even in the face of circumstances that work against you. I taught inner city public schools and had a love/dislike relationship with it. I loved the teaching and the kids. I disliked dealing with unreasonable, demanding parents and some of my administrators were anti-teacher in their attitudes. (I had one principal who was the most amazing administrator ever. Her bottom line was always "What is best for the kids?" and she actually had a clue about what would be best!!!)

Some good news - you are a child of God and He will provide you with other options! Consider the two sets of ideas that follow.

First imagine this - There are no obstacles and nothing is impossible. Now:

What do you most want to do? Brainstorm and jot down ideas as they come to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to prompt you with His ideas too.

What training or experiences would you need to begin in this field? Where can you get this training? Look online to find out or interview (phone) someone who is in that field.

If you trimmed your spending as much as you can, how much income would you need? (I don't need to know this, but you should have a ballpark idea.)

What kind of temporary job could provide at least that much income while you pursue your new deam? Would your retirement (after 20 years teaching) cover your expenses? It would at least partially cover them, which means the temporary job could be one that pays less.

Do you want to get training during the summer months ot retire and go after the new thing?

Second, a teacher is more qualified than others to pursue certain jobs/ careers. Here are a few ideas:

write & publish children's literature

write & publish lesson collections, thematic units, how-to tips for new teachers, etc.

write & publish any type of writing

Remember all of those teaching materials you made because you couldn't find what you needed to teach with? Submit those ideas to the companies who sell teaching materials.

Work for a textbook publisher to promote their materials to districts.

Work for an educational program to demonstrate to districts (ie The Write Group)

Design your own set of lessons and build a program which classroom teachers could implement. Then promote adoption of your program by offering demonstration lessons (charge for these). You would get to teach but require the teacher to remain in the room to observe and handle disciplinary issues.

Get trained as a librarian and work in a public library rather than in a school library.

You could freelance as a writer or materials developer and take a non-stressful job. That way you have a steady paycheck with occasional extra money whenever you sell a manuscript or product idea.

Another option might be to send your resume to districts known to have fewer disciplinary problems and wait to resign until after you've been hired elsewhere.

I pray that this offers you hope for making a change.

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