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prayer request-art visons and dreams

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Please pray for me to receive new dreams and visons from the Holy Spirit for my new art business. :yes:
It has been acouple of years since I have painted but now I have decided to do the work that
God called me to do-to create and help bring people to Christ through art.

God Bless!

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I will pray with you...my question is...what was the last set of instructions that God gave you regarding your art? Make sure you have followed those instructions before asking for anything new. I'm not saying that God won't show you anything new, but sometimes all we need to do is do what was last told to us and then new instructions/visions/dreams come.

What type of painting do you do? (By the way...I love your screen name) thumbs

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I painted one of the visions God showed me. I had just closed my eyes to sleep when I was shown an image. Excited that it was from God, I immediately started asking God questions. He answered some, but not all of the questions. He said, "Hey, my children are starving." Then He told me something very bizarre sounding - "A million dollars didn't crash the meat to the ground." I prayed for understanding, but didn't get it. So I painted it, showed it after worship, and asked people to pray for understanding. The bizarre statement meant this: The meat crashing to the ground was a reference to the quail God provided after the manna. No amount of money (or the work of our hands) provided for His people; God provides for His people! This is reassuring in today's economic situation. Painting it gave me a visual record of the vision, let other see what I was shown, and helped us receive God's message from it because others prayed and God explained it to them instead of to me. I'm glad to hear that you will be painting the things God shows you. It blesses the Body of Christ and can bless you too with an increased understanding which God might reveal through others. - Jodi

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Dear God, please bless veryartsy one with visions to paint which will draw others to You. I pray this in Jesus' holy name, amen.

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