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I am tired

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Hi everyone I need your prayers!! Sometimes I feel lonely even though I know God has my helpmate!! I so pray he comes soon. I am tired!! even as I write this I am trying to encourage myself..Hey I am having one of those days!! for me is dont happen all the time..Lord I hanging on by a string please help!! Sometime its hard for me. Especially when you are waiting, but I wont move.

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that's it, don't move, Kimie. I went into one of my old prayer journals, and as I read through them, I realized that everything had literally been answered except for a few dreams. I mean-everything! I began to rejoice and encourage myself. I felt new energy. Perhaps all you need is a little rest. Do the proactive thing. Have you done anything physically while you are waiting spiritually? Have you written down details involving things like daily routines, prayer times, for marriage. How about your wedding. Now is a great time to pick out what you would like your wedding and reception to be like. I know that you are lonely, but you are never alone. I cannot take the feeling away. I am praying for that spirit of heaviness to be lifted off of you. You can make it. Just plan the next 24 hours. Don't be in despair darling.

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Our God is an on-time God. He has your dream in His hand, but He won't release it until it is ready, and we are a prepared people. Sometimes we think we are prepared. We even think we will like to receive the present now. But if it is not ready, if we are not ready, the gift is not going to be like what God showed us He wants to give us. Let patience have her perfect work, so that you will be complete, not lacking in any good thing, so that you are able to do the will of Father.

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I feel you LTWJ...it happens, but the best thing about these moments is that they pass. You KNOW what God promised you so when you REST in that there is hope. CONTINUE to focus on getting yourself ready internally so when he comes, things will be well.

Marriage isn't easy by any measure...I keep hearing that from all of my married Christian friends. There is a dynamic to it that we single people can't comprehend and I'm preparing myself in prayer for those times. I was reading last night in 1 Cor about how important it is to be in the unmarried state because we have the opportunity to give God our all. It's a "calling" to be unmarried and I can appreciate that. I started to feel proud to be chosen to live this season in my life as an unmarried woman of God.

My words may not lift your tiredness, but know that I am praying for you and all of those who are here on this site desiring to be married. Remember that God loves us WAY TOO MUCH to send a "half baked man" in our direction. We just need to put on patience so He can finish "baking" our husbands....we've waited too long for him to come "incomplete and gooey inside"... lol!

Here's a scripture that came to my mind while typing this...

"For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise" (Hebrews 10:36)

Blessings my sista!

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