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Prayer for undersatanding and interpretation of dreams

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Please help me pray for my familiy and friends. There is alot going on. wow I would also like you to pray for me in the area of recieving understanding and interpretation of my dreams. I dream soooooo much and I have no idea what most of them mean and even those things that I know, I don't understand. Thank you very much. flower

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Hi there! Mia's dream interpretation worksheet is VERY good. She says that when she prays a heavy prayer right before bed that God gives her a dream answer. This is Mia's dream worksheet link http://www.heartsongministry.com/Dream_worksheet.html It's really good. I would suggest to have a heavy prayer and intercession for other people that are burdening your heart...right before you go to sleep. The second you wake up, have this worksheet and a blank piece of paper and a pen ready by your bed. Mia also has a dream dictionary that is pretty helpful here's the link to that http://www.heartsongministry.com/dream_symbol_map.html If you follow the worksheet step by step and if you pray long and hard at night about certain things, I know it'll start to come very easy for you. Pray for revelation before you start writing your dream down in the morning as well. God loves to reveal things to you. He wants you on the same page, knowing the same language. God bless you and hey, if you're really stuck, post some dreams and we can help you interpret too!

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I always ask God what my dreams mean. I too would like to understand every one of them. I will stand in agreement with you that you receive the gift of illumination, and discernment concerning dreams, that you may give God the glory in all that you do. Lord, let it be your will, not ours. We know that you give gifts, and even give gifts if we just ask for them. But we will thank you for all of the other marvelous gifts that you have given to us through us and through others. Thank you for allowing me to be whatever portion of the body that I fit into, whether it is the hand or the foot. I know that we cannot be all things, or else we would be dislocated from the body and independent in ourselves, and that's not your will. We thank you for every good and perfect gift that you give us, in Jesus name we ask it all and thank you for doing what we requested, even though you didn't have to .

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