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Daughter Woke up Screaming-Whats going on?

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My 3 year old woke up last night yelling loudly and scratching herself. Saying my knee hurts! I didnt see any boo boo on her knee.

I didnt know how to calm her and confess I got angry and praying didnt handle it well. We live in an apmt.I didnt want her to wake anyone .
My dad age 71 fell out of bed last night and hit his knee.
Waht do you think?

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Do you pray with her before she goes to sleep? The enemy is manifesting himself in some unusual ways lately. Not just with me, but with many of my friends. I'm not sure about the relation between your father's knee and your daughters dream, but you should pray in your house because whatever it is...it's not of God.

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It is possible that your daughter felt the pain her grandfather felt. This has happened to me before when I started having pain in a particular area that I don't normally have pain in and another family member had pain in that same exact spot I was having pain in. Sometimes when people are close they sometimes share physical pain. However I do not believe for one moment that this incident is the will of God unless God himself authorized that. Maybe your daughter and her grandpa developed a soul tie because they are very close.

You have to pray regarding that situation.

By the way perhaps your dad needs to go to the dcotor for that pain he may be feeling in his knee. At that age when a person drops they can hurt themselves.

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Thanks she is not very close with my dad. I asked her if her knee hurt today and she said no. the situation seemed demonic. I am praying for God's peace!

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