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ridding myself of my sin

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i've done this for a very long time...i mean, not only did i sin, i flat out Abused God's Grace...and then some.

but if my relationship with God can be salvaged NOW by my everyday sacrifice of NOT doing it anymore...then this is what i need to do.

because spiritually, i'm so dry now...and i'm not surprised if it's because of this.

i don't hear God, i don't read the bible often, i'm focused on any and everything but God.

there was a time in my life where i enjoyed reading the Bible...but i was still so involved with porn by then, that i didn't hear god then either i presume.

now it's all just...dead.

it has to be revived.

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You have to take the first step and seek him, then he will run to you. He has outstretched arms calling you to come and commune with him. But you must take the first step and read the word of God. He also gives a way out of every temptation, every temptation, but you have to know the word of God to speak to this mountain of yours to be gone. When you get this temptation for p__n then speak words against it like I will not go there I am a child of the living God, he desires what is best for me and this is not good for me.

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Guest Guest
now understand this..the spirit of lust kills the anoint
see why is imperative on your side to seek the Lord..
only in his wings you will be safe.
God wants the best for you if you allow him to take control of your toughts and life you will see with your own eyes marvelous and great things.
The devil is not after you ..he is after the anoint you have..since he can not to take it..he tried to blocked...
Resist the Devil and it shall flee from you...he does not have all the time to pressure you down..be radical with your thinking...
Have faith..the end is near...Run to Jesus
He will save you!!
we are commanded to meditate in the word of the Lord in psalm 1
because when we deposit the word in our hearts this one will be food for the spirit..our faith will grow and our toughts will be line up with God's purpose.
Do not allow the enemy to entertain you no more. You want to live Jesus Can give you a victorious life.
Step away from death and see what the heaven is able to do for you.
May the Lord Bless You and keep you.

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